Motorbikes in Thailand

This topic was created by Brian
[Tue 18 May, 17:10 Tasmanian Standard Time]

I am going to Thailand this Sunday the 23rd of May. I've been
several times before and have always rented motorbikes. Maybe
it's just me getting older and more cautious but I'm now
wondering about the legality of riding a motorbike in
Thailand when I don't hold a motorbike licence in my home
country (Australia). The latest lp says that to rent a
motorbike in Bangkok you need an International licence but
they don't differentiate between car and bike. In places such
as Phuket I know they don't ask to see an international
licence when you rent (sometimes no licence at all). I assume
some people have contact with the police as a result of
traffic accidents. Does anyone know what the deal is.

[There are 2 posts - the latest was added on Wed 19 May, 14:38]

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  1. Licences & Riding in Thailand Added by: David (
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 3:02 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    The deal's the same as the law is in the west: you need a
    licence to legally ride / drive.
    However, in practice most motorcycle hire shops don't ask
    you for a licence.
    Hence the illusion that you don't need a licence to ride in
    You don't, but if something goes wrong (an accident) or the
    police stop you it can cost you a small fine.
    The shop does not care - if the police stop you & ask for a
    licence then it's your problem. If you smash up the bike
    it's your problem & you pay for it.
    In North Thai the police are very lenient & normally don't
    hassle farang on bikes. Many tourists ride without a
    licence: they know North Thai is a motorcycle paradise.
    However down south in Bkk / Pattaya, & often Phuket, they do
    stop you & ask for a few hundred (150 - 500) baht "fine," if
    you have not got a licence.
    Take a look at the Golden Triangle Rider home page for a
    full run down on motorcycle touring in North Thai & the
    Golden Triangle at

  2. Licence Added by: Farang
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 14:38 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Odd things can happen. I was in Phuket with a buddy and we
    wanted to rent a jeep. They looked at his International
    Licence and said no way! He showed his UK licence and the
    same answer. Fortunately, I had a Thai licence. So I rented
    the jeep and let him do the driving!

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