Vietnam+Cambodia VS Malaysia+Sumatra

This topic was created by dandeman
[Tue 18 May, 16:32 Tasmanian Standard Time]

That is the choice. I have 5 weeks to spend this summer and
I can either cover Vietnam and extend the trip into Cambodia
('cause i really want to see Ankgor wat) or cruise around
peninsular Malaysia and check out the well travelled trail
between Medan and Bukittingi in Sumatra.
I heard Vietnam is somewhat though going (haggling over
everything isn't something I enjoy) and it's also moonsoon
season out there (I hate the rain).
Malaysia sounds alright though it might not be the most
exciting place in the region. I 'd like to visit more in
Indonesia than Sumatra but with the election coming up early
in June, I'd rather avoid Java. I'm also concerned that
trying to squeeze in a good tour of peninsular Malaysia and
a quick run through Sumatra might be too much to ask for a 5
week trip.
So what do you seasoned travellers reckon?
What shall it be Vietnam + Cambodia or Malaysia + Sumatra??
Thanks a bunch

[There are 1 posts - the latest was added on Thu 20 May, 1:30]

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  1. About Vietnam Added by: Dani
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 1:30 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    The weather; up north, it's great weather. Summer, hot and humid and the best time of the year to
    go up the mountains, e.g. Sapa, and Ha Long Bay. Also, Ha Noi, where the old colonial areas of the
    city may be the most beautiful parts of any SE Asian city.
    It's down south you have the "rainy season" from May until Noovember (and it's not pouring down
    24 hours a day, far from it).
    Haggling: Sure, you have to haggle if you think the price is too high. But there's no "rule" like if
    they ALWAYS charge 10 times too much. Kids selling postcards and cigarette lighters may ask for
    4-5 times the price, but in most souvenir shops, the price for i.e. T-shirts are actually very,
    very modest. And if you plan to buy something, simply ask anybody, tourists or locals, you see
    having the same how much they paid.
    You'll get a hang of it.

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