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This topic was created by Michelle
[Tue 18 May, 8:17 Tasmanian Standard Time]

My mum will be 60 in October and i'd like to suprise her
with a trip to either BKK or Bali (we could go before
October). She's a fun lady but i'm not sure which would
suit her the best. I've been to both places and each has
it's niceties. I can only take 7-9 days off work so it
would have to be a short trip. What do you think?

[There are 15 posts - the latest was added on Fri 21 May, 0:56]

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  1. Choices Added by: Sue (sue@wright-photo.com)
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 8:37 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Wow, do you want to adopt me? I am fast approaching your
    mothers age and have been to both places. If you only have
    time to do Bangkok in Thailand. then I would go to Ubud in
    Bali. Bangkok is a wonderful vibrant city but the heat and
    the pollution and the traffic don't make for a very
    relaxing vacation. The temples however are stupendous.
    Ubud on the other hand, in the center of Bali will allow
    you to travel out daily to magnificent rice terraces and
    wonderful temples. Your mother will I am sure enjoy the
    dance performances in Ubud and there are many many great
    eating places. She can get a sense of the Balinese culture
    in a week spent day tripping with a good driver guide.
    Much more so than in the same period in Bangkok where just
    getting around the city can be a challenge. What ever you
    decide she will love and enjoy because you cared enough to
    arrange it for her. Check out my website for hundreds of
    photos of Bali, Thailand and Vietnam. Have a great trip.
    Sue http://www.wright-photo.com

  2. not a good set of options Added by: alan whicker
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 9:39 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    i don't know where you are from but offering Bangkok and
    Bali is like say Des Moines and Florida, Manchester and
    the south of France etc. Bangkok is an interesting city but
    normally would only feature as a few days' stopover on the
    way to a beach or hills. If you say Thailand or Bali then
    the major consideration is WHEN. Bali and Thailand are on
    opposite sides of the equator and enjoy sun and tropical
    rain at different times. Thailand is at the end of its rainy
    season in October, but not yet at the really good sunny
    season either. I don't know what Bali would be like in
    October, I suspect just at the end of the sunny season. the
    other consideration is flying times. if you come from europe
    or the USA one will be closer and hence mum will have less
    time in a plane and might appreciate that.

  3. I'm from NZ Added by: Michelle
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 10:27 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    but if we went to BKK we probably would venture out of the
    city. We can go in July it's just that her b'day is in

  4. NZ to BKK Added by: JIM
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 10:54 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I'm in NZ at the moment and if you look in
    travel agents you will see that Thai air has a special offer
    at the moment.
    You get a return to BKK, plus 4 nights in a hotel PLUS a
    free internal thailand return flight, enabling you to
    quickly get your Mum to a beach & back for a while, free.
    All this for $999.
    I'd take that one if I was you, It releases more of your
    overall budget for spending when you are there too.
    Annoyingly, the exact name of the travel agent where I saw
    this offer (today) escapes me, but its one of the big ones!
    The offer lasts till the end of october but ticket sales are
    only till 15 June.
    Check it out......JIM.

  5. P.S. Added by: JIM
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 11:51 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Flightcenter is the place I couldnt remember a few
    mins. ago (re: post No.4 above).

  6. depends Added by: Rusty
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 13:59 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Weather's a good point; August is best for Bali and
    January/February for Bangkok (but also the peak of the
    respective seasons). October not the best time for either -
    - maybe a slight edge to Bali there (effects of all the
    rains show up in Bangkok). On annoyances, it's a choice
    between pollution/crowding of Bangkok or the annoying
    hawkers and other types in places in Bali. Ubud would be a
    good choice for Bali, and Bali is wonderfully inexpensive,
    though airfares there might actually be higher because of
    fewer flights. Might depend on how well your mother
    travels to 3rd world places in general; mine didn't do too
    well on her one visit to a true 3rd world place (back when
    I was 12) and has been to only first-world places since.

  7. what about Mum? Added by: Biggles (alandymond@hotmail.com)
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 14:23 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I'm not much younger than your mother and been too both. You
    need to consider your mothers preferences and previous
    experience. I have met 60 yr old women who love the
    adventure of travel and others who would rather sit and do
    their knitting! Has your mother been to Asia before?I had a
    month in thailand and loved it, but it can be hot and tiring
    to travel. Bali is much more compact and as long as you stay
    away from Kuta (Ubud, Sanur, Chandi Dasa e.g) probably less
    daunting and easier to get around. People are nice, travel
    is easy, culture and dance are great. It's easy to hire a
    car and driver and see most of the island.
    I prefer thailand myself know that I have been, but for a
    longer stay. For a short stay I would go with Bali.
    regards ad

  8. what about Mum? Added by: Biggles (alandymond@hotmail.com)
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 14:24 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I'm not much younger than your mother and been too both. You
    need to consider your mothers preferences and previous
    experience. I have met 60 yr old women who love the
    adventure of travel and others who would rather sit and do
    their knitting! Has your mother been to Asia before?I had a
    month in thailand and loved it, but it can be hot and tiring
    to travel. Bali is much more compact and as long as you stay
    away from Kuta (Ubud, Sanur, Chandi Dasa e.g) probably less
    daunting and easier to get around. People are nice, travel
    is easy, culture and dance are great. It's easy to hire a
    car and driver and see most of the island.
    I prefer thailand myself know that I have been, but for a
    longer stay. For a short stay I would go with Bali.
    regards ad

  9. what about Mum? Added by: Biggles (alandymond@hotmail.com)
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 14:25 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I'm not much younger than your mother and been too both. You
    need to consider your mothers preferences and previous
    experience. I have met 60 yr old women who love the
    adventure of travel and others who would rather sit and do
    their knitting! Has your mother been to Asia before?I had a
    month in thailand and loved it, but it can be hot and tiring
    to travel. Bali is much more compact and as long as you stay
    away from Kuta (Ubud, Sanur, Chandi Dasa e.g) probably less
    daunting and easier to get around. People are nice, travel
    is easy, culture and dance are great. It's easy to hire a
    car and driver and see most of the island.
    I prefer thailand myself know that I have been, but for a
    longer stay. For a short stay I would go with Bali.
    regards ad

  10. what about Mum? Added by: Biggles (alandymond@hotmail.com)
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 14:25 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I'm not much younger than your mother and been too both. You
    need to consider your mothers preferences and previous
    experience. I have met 60 yr old women who love the
    adventure of travel and others who would rather sit and do
    their knitting! Has your mother been to Asia before?I had a
    month in thailand and loved it, but it can be hot and tiring
    to travel. Bali is much more compact and as long as you stay
    away from Kuta (Ubud, Sanur, Chandi Dasa e.g) probably less
    daunting and easier to get around. People are nice, travel
    is easy, culture and dance are great. It's easy to hire a
    car and driver and see most of the island.
    I prefer thailand myself know that I have been, but for a
    longer stay. For a short stay I would go with Bali.
    regards ad

  11. Sorry about the Added by: Biggles
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 14:27 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    multiple postings. It isnt cos I like to see my writings.
    Seems to be a fault at this end when posting to

  12. Whence to where Added by: Farang
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 17:03 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    How about Chiang Mai, with just a few days to see the top
    spots in Bangkok? Say 3 days in Bangkok and the rest up
    north. Lots to keep her happy up there: night bazaar, hill
    tribes, elephant or raft rides. CM is great for shopping. I
    wouldn't come to Thailand in July, not unless you don't mind
    rains. (Thought that's what you're trying to escape from.)

  13. Bangkok Added by: Mark (pinootje@dds.nl)
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 22:57 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hi Michelle,
    My Grandpa liked Bangkok very much.
    His 1st flight ever and 1st time outside Europe at 80 Years
    Never been to Bali..

  14. Something to Check Out Added by: Colleen (colleenb@the.net.nz)
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 20:18 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Michelle, I to was going to Bali with my father and son in
    June/July but am now thinking that it might have to be
    Bangkok (I have been to neither) as I have heard from My
    Aunty in Perth today that they were being cautioned about
    going to Bali at present by Harvey Travel as there seems to
    be some unrest and that was in the Kuta area. Apparantly
    with the elections etc things may also be a bit dicey but
    the elections should be over within the first 2 weeks of
    June (I think). Anyway just check it out in case you are
    going to book for next month. The travel agents here
    didn't know anything about it today when I questioned them.

  15. Your itinerery Added by: Davo
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 0:56 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    1. Take mother to Bangkok.
    2. Point mother at shops.
    3. Collect mother at end of holiday and return home.

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