Camera prices-Bangkok OK?

This topic was created by NG
[Sun 23 May, 22:21 Tasmanian Standard Time]

I am travelling via Thailand on a RTW from Australia. I am
unable to travel via Singapore where ythe camera prices are
v v good. Are they also competitive in Bangkok? Where do I
look for them for competitive prices (such as in Muhamed
Mustapha's in Singapore?)
Thanks in advance

[There are 7 posts - the latest was added on Tue 25 May, 21:37]

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  1. cameras Added by: alan whicker
    [Timestamp: Sun 23 May, 23:24 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    what are you looking for? big, small, SLR etc. the range on
    offer in bangkok is limited and the main makes are canon,
    nikon and minolta - some olympus a nd others. i am currently
    looking at camera prices and if you give me an idea of
    what you are considering or better a model, and if SLR a
    lens, i will price something this week. it will be a
    guide. what i looked at so far i have found that the cameras
    are a little cheaper than those quoted as a guide on the
    manufacturer's USA website.
    now, i didn't find mohammed mustapha's that cheap and he
    didn't have a good range when i bought my canon eos several
    years ago. mind you i spent three days on market research
    and grinding the buggers down.

  2. Duty free? Added by: JIM
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 7:38 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I seem to remember these kind of questions before, and one
    person replied saying he had researched all this and that
    the best deals were at Sydney and Auckland airport duty free
    areas. JIM.

  3. camera prices Added by: rich
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 9:36 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    This question has been raised with respect to comparisons
    with US, UK, European, and Australian prices. In all cases,
    Bangkok was considered no bargain. The best prices i recall
    seeing wre comparable to what you'd pay at a mass
    merchandiser in the US, but more than a reputable mail
    order place would charge. As you are unlikely to find big
    bargains, you also need conider the time you spend shopping
    and whether you'd rather be doing something else.

  4. Cameras in Singapore? Added by: RuthK (
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 20:34 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I will be passing through Singapoer en route to Vietnam this summer - would I be right to assume that Singapore would be a good place for a bargain on a camera? I am pretty clueless - don't want anything too fancy, but wouldn't know where to look. Any suggestions???

  5. RuthK Added by: bob
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 9:10 Tasmanian Standard Time]


  6. Camera for RuthK ex Spore Added by: NG
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 17:48 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    As i said earlier, in Singapore the prices at Muhamed
    Mustapha's were v good. I have not bothered with other
    places. At MM's there is no hasssle. They have a web site. Send an e mail and check the price of a
    The way to get there:
    MM is along Serangoon Road. From Orchard Road take bus nos
    92 or 106 or 111 or 64 or 65 and the fare is about 60 cts.
    U may even be staying in the area whre the budget hotel
    are located. All Singaporeans know the place. There is no
    bargaining/negotiating and the prices are fiexd and v
    competitive. Having lived in Spore for many years I have
    not checked elsewhere. U may be right, Oz and USA may be
    cheaper. I had better check.
    (I am myself not looking for a fancy camera not being a
    buff.Shall report to Alan W when I decide on the model)

  7. Outrageous Added by: Chris Beale (
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 21:37 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Camera prices at Bangkok's International Airport are outrageously expensive - like most of what else is sold there.
    Sydney is now one of the cheapest, best value places in the region - but not at the airport.
    You can also get value for money in Hanoi - but have to bargain hard and hunt around, as few places have any price tag on display. The few that do usually offer reasonable value.

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