A weekend in bancok

This topic was created by philip (blazdell@nrim.go.jp)
[Tue 25 May, 10:32 Tasmanian Standard Time]

after a year in Japan, I need to get some civilisiation and
want to head of for a hedonsitic weekend in bancok..I
only have a few days and would like to know what are the
essential things that I simply must see during the time,
in fact any information, to my email if you please, would
be much appreciated....

[There are 2 posts - the latest was added on Tue 25 May, 15:39]

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  1. Camping in S.E. Asia Added by: Daniel Olson (danielolson@mindspring.com)
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 11:36 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I travelled extensively throughout Central America last
    winter and found a number of places to pitch my tent. From
    isolated beaches to roadside sleepovers I never had a
    problem setting up camp. Is camping allowed anywhere in
    S.E. Asia?

  2. R'n'r in Bangkok Added by: Happy Al the Shagger
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 15:39 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Sois Nana and even Cowboy off Sukhumvit are better than the fabled Patpong, although Patpong is defineitely worth a look - the floor shows are more imaginative.
    Nana is the definite favourite. A kind of three (or is it four ?) storey courtyard containing dozens of bars. The one on the left as you go in is good. Playskool also used to get rocommendations although, alas, the girls no longer seem to wear school uniform.
    I've never seen Tony Wheeler in there - guess he goes incognito. But I'm sure all good LP readers and writers would agree, it's one of Asia's must sees, and, come to think of it, must dos (the going rate is around THB 1000 for short time; 2000 all night + the bar fine of THB600. strangely, or perhaps, not, when surrounded by so much bare and splendid flesh, many men find themsleves itching for the wiatresses or the cashier or other clothed females in the place. The good news is that all on the premises are bar-finable, including, according to Thai law, any western women who inadvisedly wonder in out of curiosity. Although the chances of their actually being bar-fined in preference to the ladies of the house, are slim to say the least. The fines for wiatresses are higher, presumably because their departure involves potential loss to the house.
    Happy Al
    (in anticipation of the usual stream of cretinous garbage about 'sad' men - if yer not shaggin', laddie....you'rer indeed a sad f******r.(..er?)
    All taxi drivers know these places.

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