Surviving in Singapore

This topic was created by JDP
[Mon 17 May, 4:18 Tasmanian Standard Time]

Could a foreigner with a wife and kid survive in Singapore
on $S2500/month?

[There are 5 posts - the latest was added on Fri 21 May, 15:04]

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  1. how do you mean Added by: alan whicker
    [Timestamp: Mon 17 May, 10:05 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    as a resident. including accommodation - the rent on an
    average apartment can be that much. after or before tax?

  2. Of course you can! Added by: BENSON
    [Timestamp: Mon 17 May, 13:04 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Well, it all depend on how u are going to spend it!
    If u decise to eat cheap, sleep cheap, spent cheap, i see
    no problem to it ! Do some research on where to get all the
    budget accommodation, nice cheap food..........!

  3. Depends.... Added by: Tred
    [Timestamp: Mon 17 May, 16:50 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    As alan whicker points out, it depends on a number of things. Your biggest layout is going to be for accommodation. Are you asking because you are considering a job there paying this amount? How old is your child (thinking about school, etc)? Even with rents going down you'll be looking at S$1000 plus for a small flat (don't even bother with service apartments, too expensive).It's possible to get by, after all Singaporeans support a bigger family on salaries under S$1000.

  4. Further info Added by: JDP
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 5:58 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    The offer is $S2500 pre-tax. Yup, I'm asking because I'm
    considering a job paying that amount. Oh, and my sprog is
    going on three years old. I don't drink, well, not
    much...and I don't smoke.
    Is it possible to secure a flat in a HDB building?

  5. A drink a day? Added by: JMS
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 15:04 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Supermarket price for a can of beer $S3.50, bar price $S++++
    - don't drink too much

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