Bangkok resident

This topic was created by Mark (
[Sun 16 May, 21:43 Tasmanian Standard Time]

I am looking for someone who lives in Bangkok who would
like to earn some extra money for a small amount of work.
I buy goods in Bangkok (arts, crafts, costume jewellery,
ladies scarves etc) for sale in my small shop in Australia.
I need someone local to source goods and purchase them. I
have an international shipping account so shipment is easy.
I will order goods about once a month, send the money
BEFORE purchase, and pay them money to buy the goods and
I can also arrange for other shop keepers to buy as well
which would mean more money for the person helping us.
If you think you can do this, then please e-mail me. I will
fly to Bangkok to meet you, discuss arrangements and show
goods we purchase. It will be a mutually profitable

[There are 2 posts - the latest was added on Wed 19 May, 2:38]

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  1. Bangkok Added by: Farang
    [Timestamp: Sun 16 May, 23:32 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I live here, but the university keeps me pretty busy.
    (Working nights too to put some money in the bank.) Also
    don't know much about gem stones, etc. I'll ask another
    expat buddy if he's interested. He's just been living on his
    bank interest for the past five years. He could do it if he
    wanted. is the easiest way to reach me, if
    you sish to. I have another e-mail, but it doesn't work at

  2. trust me... Added by: Jocund
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 2:38 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I have some friends here in BKK who have some great deals on
    "gems". You could make a fortune from buying these cheap
    and reselling them. Just send me some money in advance and
    I'll set you up. Large orders only, please.

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