
This topic was created by Faith
[Sun 16 May, 12:43 Tasmanian Standard Time]

I'll be on my way to Kathmandu and will have to wait 17
hours at Bangkok airport for my connecting flight. (3pm to
10am next day!) WHAT DO YOU DO FOR 17 HOURS AT AN
AIRPORT??????? Nope, I ain't going into Bangkok cos I'm
alone, never been anyway ON my OWN...and I'm quite nervous
really! Oh help! ANYONE wanna meet up at Bangkok Airport on
20th May???? HUH?

[There are 9 posts - the latest was added on Wed 26 May, 6:50]

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  1. Amari Added by: Brett
    [Timestamp: Sun 16 May, 13:54 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Since you do not want to wander around by yourself, then
    book into the Amari hotel which is joined to the airport.
    There are other hotels near by but you would have to use

    You may be able to book a tour for the afternoon/night, I am
    unsure about this.

  2. now look here faith Added by: alan whicker
    [Timestamp: Sun 16 May, 13:54 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    that sort of attitude is silly get a grip of yourself. how
    many of your 17 hours are daylight hours? you could see a
    little of bangkok. it's not all sleaze and traffic and you
    could actually enjoy yourself. bangkok is a very safe city
    even for single travellers of any sex or combination.
    what about parking your bags in the left luggage
    ($1.25/bag/day), getting a bus (well two really) to the
    river and catching a river boat to the grand palace and
    back. that would take about four to five hours. you could go
    further down the river and then go all the way back to the
    top of the run and catch your bus back.
    and to answer your original question - well bangkok airport
    is a bit of a dump. the duty free shops are tatty and
    over-priced, the catering is hellish expensive and mediocre,
    it's not even easy to find a comfortable seat inside. if you
    had two hours to kill you might just test it to it's limit,
    but 17 - nah.

  3. gad Added by: Kuurt
    [Timestamp: Sun 16 May, 16:04 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Have been to both places and believe me, Bangkok is not the
    jolt that Kathmandu can be. If you can handle going to
    Kathmandu, you can handle Bangkok. The A1, A2 and A3
    airport buses make getting to key places in the city easy
    and cheap -- A2 goes to Khao San Road with the river (and
    great taxi boats) in walking distance. A1 goes near the
    interestingly infamous Patpong area. If you're dressed
    nicely and have daylight hours you might get really lucky
    and hit the Royal Palace. Well worth it.

  4. airportsss Added by: Kathleen (
    [Timestamp: Sun 16 May, 19:25 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    You could stay at the Quality Suites...can bookthrough 800#
    in US. It would be about $50 for p/p/ shuttle I
    believe pickup to and from the airport and breakfast. It is
    about 2 miles from the airport. It is cheaper than the
    airport hotel but obviously not as convenient. Check out
    there website at think.
    I always felt safe in Bangkok though I was not traveling
    If you decide to venture out, a trip by boat to anywhere
    that interests you would give you a quick flavor of
    Bangkok.There are express boats and boats that stop at every
    pick up point. Ask how to know the difference. Also have
    the people at the hotel write down in Thai language the
    names of your stops and pick up points and of your hotel.
    That helped us a lot. Also knowing the name a well know
    land mark near your hotel helps if all else fails. In your
    case it would be the interntional airport. Everyone will
    know how to ge

  5. You got to love it.... Added by: Gert
    [Timestamp: Sun 16 May, 23:14 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Listen guys, 17 hours might seem like a lot, but please
    let's not overlook the mega traffic jams going in an out of
    Bangkok, especially to and from the airport. Faith, you
    have to count on and average of 2hrs each way, although it
    is only a mere 30 km. So spending some time in Bangkok
    during daylight may seem like a long shot. Having said
    this, Bangkok is a very safe city and although it looks
    very choatic at times it is not at all intimidating.
    Here's what I'd do: Take Kuurt's or Alan's advice and take
    the (A2) airport bus into town (or if this seems like a
    hassle, take a taxi). There's a good chance you still
    arrive before dusk. Get a room somewhere in Khao San Road.
    Then maybe wander around towards the Chao Praya river or
    have a peek at the Grand Palace. By nightfall you have
    'dinner' maybe at the foodstalls along Khao San....(at
    least you won't feel alone there...lots of other travellers
    around.) Also arrange transport from Khao San straight back
    to the airport at one of the local agencies. All this for
    not more than 60 us$.
    This may all seem like a big hoopla just to get through the
    night away from the airport, but it is well worth it, easy
    to organize and your 17 hrs will pass like a breeze.

  6. 17 hrs for a great time Added by: simon scott
    [Timestamp: Mon 17 May, 3:42 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Get the Lonley Planet guide - plan a day in Bangkok - yes
    it is safe - go to the Royal Palace and Wat Po - don't
    believe anyone who tells you they are closed for a Thai
    festival - also the airport has excellent food - akd for
    the Thai Airways cafetaria - it is open to the public -
    great thai food at thai (inexpensive prices).

  7. GO TO TOWN! Added by: JIM
    [Timestamp: Mon 17 May, 11:01 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Bangkok is a very safe city, you'll have no
    problems alone at all, as long as you are presumably a
    little streetwise of course.
    If I had 17 hours ANYWHERE I doubt if I'd waste it at the
    airport if it was at all possible to do otherwise, You could
    go into town and have a really nice break from the flight,
    Maybe follow some of the suggestions above, I dont know
    about Kao San Rd. though, safe YES, but very boring and you
    wont see anything much to do with Thailand there, and
    everywhere else is safe too anyway.
    Good Luck.......Jim.

  8. Thanks~ Added by: Faith
    [Timestamp: Mon 17 May, 15:08 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Thanks guys and gals:)))

  9. Airport options Added by: Chaimetta
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 6:50 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    For transport and accomodation options at the airport
    check out my web page

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