thai safety

This topic was created by robbie
[Sun 16 May, 8:04 Tasmanian Standard Time]

how safe is travel generally in thailand..i,am a single,male
traveller who is going there in august. any tips on how to
travel safely,situations and places to avoid.

[There are 8 posts - the latest was added on Mon 17 May, 12:42]

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  1. Safety in Thailand Added by: BeenThere
    [Timestamp: Sun 16 May, 11:42 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I have been to Thailand over 30 times during past 18 years
    and never had an incident. Take normal precautions, when
    you go out do not carry more money than you need, (there
    are pickpockets, often by beautiful "women" who are not what
    they appear to be!!! I never carry my wallet, passport or
    excess funds whenever I go out. Lock them in a hotel safe.
    Exercise normal precautions and do not be too quick to
    trust anyone no matter how charming or convincing they
    may be and you will be ok.

  2. more safety Added by: rich
    [Timestamp: Sun 16 May, 12:58 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I worked in Thailand for 5 years (3 in full-time
    residence). I traveled literally all over the country (40+
    provinces) mostly on my own and had no problems. Similarly,
    I've been literally all over Bangkok (i.e., beyond the
    usual tourist places) and no problems. Thais are more
    paranoid about crime than most visitors (who often read too
    much into the relatively easy vibes). The truth is
    somewhere in between. I always followed the "protocol" I
    learned living in large US cities---stick to peopled, well-
    lit areas (not hard), avoid panhandlers and strangers who
    approach you.
    The Bangkok Thais carry wallets in their front pants
    pockets, which is better than getting paranoid about using
    safes---this is what I did. I always carried my passport in
    a hip pack--get one big enough for a map and a small phrase
    book (the LP is a good one) and you're set. You will get
    hustled in touristy parts of Bangkok (Grand Palace is the
    worst, Silom/patpong cna be a problem, too). In these seem
    places, you also may have to deal with taxi scams--always
    ask for the meter (get out if they don't turn it on) and
    hail taxis a a block or so away from tourist-land.
    The real ripoffs occur with unscrupulous guest houses (esp.
    in Chaing Mai--go with a personal recommendation), slimy
    travel agents (esp. Khao San Road), etc. You'll do fine
    away from the usual tourist/backpacker areas (Chiang mai,
    Phuket, pattaya, Ko samui, Ko Phi Phi, etc). If you avoid
    these places (which tend to be schlocky and overrated,
    anyway), you'll generally be treated very well and actually
    see what the country and its people are all about. You'll
    also see some great sights.

  3. another precaution Added by: Buffy
    [Timestamp: Sun 16 May, 22:25 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    do not accept any drink or food (no matter how innocent it
    appears) from a stranger. An acquintance woke up in
    hospital after being drugged and robbed by a very
    respectable looking man on a bus..he offered her a biscuit.

  4. Drugged Added by: Farang
    [Timestamp: Sun 16 May, 23:56 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Are they still pulling that drugged drink trick on
    travellers? It is extremely rare, but it has been around for
    more than 20 years. It used to be found almost only in the
    south, near the Malaysian border. The Thais naturally
    claimed the thieves were from Malaysia, though who really
    I've been in Thailand on and off (mostly on) since 1973, and
    one time had my pocket picked on a crowded bus. (Didn't lose
    much, but I did regret the loss of some personal items.)

  5. the drink scam Added by: rich
    [Timestamp: Mon 17 May, 5:39 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    The drink scam has surfaced here at least once in the past
    year. Still, I've met many people in my travels and I don't
    remember anyone mentioning this to me as first or second
    hand experience. Perhaps because it's in the guidebooks,
    people who want to seem knowledgeable, quote it.....Along
    these lines, I once had a young Aussie backpacker lecture
    me on prostitution and HIV in Northern Thailand...he was
    repeating, almost verbatim, what was in the LP guide...the
    text in the guide was largely material that I had sent to
    Joe Cummings...this is why I think people need to consider
    how "authentic" word of mouth develops.

  6. and Added by: dr m
    [Timestamp: Mon 17 May, 12:16 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    be careful sucking nipples in pattaya, they can be drugged
    as well. rumour has it they got the dose wrong a year or so
    ago and killed a few people - but they were only germans so
    the thais didn't count that.

  7. Be careful ...... Added by: Bryce fron Oz (
    [Timestamp: Mon 17 May, 12:24 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Things should be OK, but be careful if you are thinking
    about immersing yourself in the local culture (ie. looking
    for some pussy). Prostitutes here may lots of tricks up
    their sleeves and you need to be especially careful. I even
    heard about prostitutes who rubbed drugs into their
    nipples, so that when you had a bit of a suck, you would be
    out like a light before you knew it (and wake up with
    everything missing).

  8. No surprises... Added by: Mr Paranoid
    [Timestamp: Mon 17 May, 12:42 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Thailand's brilliant and I have never had a bad experience -
    although as a precaution the night before I fly out I unpack
    and repack my backpack from the beginning to the end. Too
    many customs stories of travellers 'accidently' finding
    drugs etc... I just don't want any surprises...

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