Phuket/Money & Clothes

This topic was created by Ron
[Sat 22 May, 8:21 Tasmanian Standard Time]

Hope someone out there can help us.We are arriving in Phuket on 16 July for 10 days and staying at Le Meridean.I know this is the usual tourist stuff but never having been in this part of Thailand thought we would use this as a base and try and see as much as we can each day with comfort at night(plus I owe my lady a really have Aust.dollars and wondered if I should be taking travellers cheques or just the cash.Are AUD easy to cash or exchange?For safety we can use the hotel safe deposit boxes so should be no worry about being robbed.Also we have heard this time is right in the rainy season and clothing should be light cotton.As I am 6' tall can I buy this clothing "off the rack" over there or should I be taking it from Aust.Hoping that shorts and tops are accepted everywhere but we are quiet happy to travel light and buy there if possible.Is it really that cheap to have clothes tailored in Phuket?The hotel is apparently some way from Patong and any clues on transport to Patong and Phuket Town would be helpful.There must be some "must see" places,not only the usual tourist traps,and would be grateful for any recommendations.We are flying into Singapore with Singapore Airlines with a three hour stopover and then Silkair to Phuket.I suppose Customs and Immigration would be at Singapore but can't find out the restrictions on bringing in alchol and cigs.We both like a Bundy Rum and have heard that liquor is pretty expensive.Anyone recommend a good beer there,local or otherwise and any nightlife or bars where we can have a quiet inexpensive beer and watch the world go by.Any help would be really appreciated.

[There are 10 posts - the latest was added on Tue 25 May, 12:15]

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  1. Phuket Added by: Gary
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 May, 9:13 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Thai customs is in Thailand at the Phuket airport. You
    should try to spend time at Karon, Kata and Kata Noi beaches
    and not Patong which is overly touristy. Phuket Town is
    somewhat interesting if you havent been to Thailand before
    especially the market area. Beer in Thailand is primarily
    the locally produced, Singa(strong and bitter), Kloster(a
    pale lager)and Carlsburg. You can usually get Fosters and
    other imports at slightly higher prices. There should be a
    duty free section in the arrivals area of the airport. From
    Phuket town you can take local pick-up buses for 20 baht to
    the beaches.

  2. stuff Added by: Jim
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 May, 9:23 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    You can arrive with the usual amount of duty free (200
    cigs, 1 litre spirits each)
    Alcohol is about the same price as at home but it will seem
    expensive as everything else is so cheap! can get a local rum called Sang Thip which is
    very cheap and palatable. I would reccomend buying it in the
    form of a "sang thip set" (1 half size bottle + a bucket of
    ice + 2 bottles of coke or soda + 2 glasses etc.).
    As for beer, you can get carlsberg and heineken now as well
    as the (in my opinion not so pleasant) local Singha or
    Kloster brews. My favourite though is Chang beer, I'd give
    that one a go if I was you!
    I'll leave it to others to give you advice about the rest as
    I'm not SO familiar with Phuket, being a Ko Samui regular
    myself, but I just KNOW your gonna have a good time anyway
    and if you dont get the answers you want here it will be
    easy when you are there anyway. Maybe "rich" will add a post
    to aid you. JIM.

  3. Phuket Added by: Farang
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 May, 23:49 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    You may want to rent a jeep and do your own driving around
    Phuket. It is quite a good size island-province. But DO NOT
    rent a jeep at the hotel; rent one in town. The difference
    in price can be as much as 50%. I can't recommend a good
    tailor, never having had any clothes made in Phuket. But a
    rule of thumb is: If the deal sounds to sweet, it probably
    is. Tailors are always Chinese or Indian (or Indians with
    Chinese working for them). Those two ethnic groups are not
    especially known for throwing away good money. On a cheap
    package deal, they will cut corners on the cloth and
    workmanship. Pay a bit more and you'll get much better
    clothing. As to tourist spots, on Phuket it's mainly the
    beaches. The mountains are beautiful too, but you mainly
    just cross them going from one place to another. Patong has
    turned into a beer bar nightmare (all look the same, sell
    the same suds, and play their music at full volume). The
    other bars are nicer. Plenty of good places to eat on Phuket
    and every kind of food in the world's available.
    As to currency, banks and money changers are your best bet.
    The hotels will give you a very poor exchange rate. Don't
    expect many businesses to accept your Oz dollars. US dollars
    may sometimes be accepted, but most shops and restaurants
    just aren't up on the daily exchange rate for other
    And the local suds??? I, too, drink Chang by choice. But
    it's potent. Singha Gold and Leo are both pretty weak, more
    like what you're used to. Most Thai beer is much stronger
    than beer elsewhere. In fact, regular Singha is stronger
    than Thai whiskey.
    p.s. Your lady friend might enjoy a trip to the pearl farm
    on Phuket. The pearls are top quality and the prices are
    quite reasonable.

  4. Phuket/Money/Clothes Added by: Ron
    [Timestamp: Sun 23 May, 11:07 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Thanks to Gary,Jim and Farang for your replies.It's great to
    get well informed info.If any one else can add to their comments it will be really appreciated.

  5. Phuket Added by: Michael Moore
    [Timestamp: Sun 23 May, 15:23 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    There are now two Meridien hotels in Phuket, and they are
    in very different locations. The original is at a bay near
    Patong Beach and near much of the island's activity. The
    other, Le Meridien Phuket Yacht Club is at Naiharn Beach
    near the Southern tip of the island. Check to be certain
    at which Meridien you are booked. If you are at the Phuket
    Yacht Club, you will be at a beautiful hotel, but will find
    that it is isolated and not a particularly good place from
    which to see other parts of the island. If you are at the
    PYC, you will probably want to rent a car (usually a Suzuki
    Caribbean jeep).
    As far as money goes, it is probably best to bring cash and
    exchange it at one of the exchange booths that are usually
    attached to banks. You will lose on the exchange, but you
    lose on the exchange plus have to pay commissions with
    traveler's checks. An even better alternative is to use an
    ATM card; ATM machines can be found all over the island
    (but not at Naiharn) and accept ATM cards that are members
    of the Cirrus/Plus networks. The new generation of
    machines now used at most ATM's have directions in both
    Thai and English. This is usually the most economical way
    to change money.
    Light cotton clothing in a wide variety of sizes can be
    purchased everywhere. Bring a few items to get started and
    then shop; it's part of the fun of Thailand.
    Alcoholic beverages are available everywhere. Forget
    buying anything at the airport as there is no place to shop
    upon arrival plus the "duty free" shop in the international
    departure lounge is miniscual and overpriced.
    The Thais like beer, but it always seems expensive because
    other beverages and food are so inexpensive. In reality it
    really doesn't cost more than "back home." Hotels,
    however, really mark up the price so most people do serious
    beer drinking away from where they bed down at night. This
    is also a lot more fun as it gets you away from the hotel.
    Singha is the beer preferred by most Thais. It is produced
    by a Thai company. Most foreigners complain that it gives
    them a hangover; it is about 5% alcohol. Carlsberg and
    Kloster are both produced under license. Kloster can be
    good, but it has quality control problems and suffers if
    not stored properly. Chang, Leo, and Super Leo are three
    locally produced second grade beers. Chang is 8.5% alcohol
    and has become quite popular, particularly since it was
    awarded some sort of medal in Australia. Heineken is now
    produced under license and is probably the most popular
    beer with foreigners. Becks can also be found at some
    outlets. Imported beers are MUCH more expensive, and
    really not worth the extra money as the local beers are
    good. I don't know what kind of whiskey Farang drinks, but
    Thai whiskeys, like all whiskeys are much stronger than
    beer. When ordering a local whiskey mixed with water or
    soda, it is likely to be very weak as this the way Thais
    mix their drinks. They usally buy a bottle so by the end
    of the evening they will have consumed as much alcohol as
    foreigners - they just take longer getting there.
    Phuket, like all areas in Thailand, has an abundance of
    tailors. I use the Augusta Tailor by the bus station in
    Phuket Town 354-789. I suspect they aren't any better than
    anyone else, but I've been satisfied. With any tailor,
    take your time and don't rush them.
    In conclusion I suspect you will want to rent a vehicle.
    Phuket's transportation system is poorly developed and the
    little 4-wheel tuk-tuk drivers really control the
    situation. It is possible to take a songtaew (truck with
    two benches in the back) from Phuket Town to the major
    areas for about 20 baht, BUT you always have to use a tuk-
    tuk to go anwhere else. This can be a hassle and become
    quite expensive.
    Have a good time.

  6. Phuket Added by: Brianstan2 (
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 16:02 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Try to get across to Phi Phi island.It is out of this
    world.Take the earliest fast ferry.It costs extra but it
    really is worth the time it saves to allow you more time on
    the island.You can also stay at the hotel.

  7. Phuket/Money/Clothes Added by: Ron
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 18:40 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Can't believe it.Really great useful advice. Thanks to Gary,Jim,Farang,Michael and Brianstan2!!.If you guys,or anyone else,can add to your comments it will be really appreciated. It really is a Buzz to get info.from qualified people and both Jude and I will take up all your suggestions.Thanks a million for your help.Any other advice??

  8. Hi ron Added by: biggles (
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 12:15 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    the meridian near Paton is actually halfway between patong
    and karon beach. I stayed in karon and passed it often. It
    is set in a beautiful bay and is a superb location. Only one
    thing to add to the above posts:- I spoke to a couple of
    folks staying at meridian and they paid more for their
    breakfast than I was spending in total for the day. they
    eventually started going out to the food stalls that were
    apparently nearby. No problems eating the food and much
    better value (unless breakfast is included in your package,
    of course)Hire a vehicle and do the island. I hired a
    motorbike for five days and had a great time. You can find a
    few really deserted places.
    You will love it.
    regards alan dymond, Melbourne, Australia

  9. Hi ron Added by: biggles (
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 12:15 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    the meridian near Paton is actually halfway between patong
    and karon beach. I stayed in karon and passed it often. It
    is set in a beautiful bay and is a superb location. Only one
    thing to add to the above posts:- I spoke to a couple of
    folks staying at meridian and they paid more for their
    breakfast than I was spending in total for the day. they
    eventually started going out to the food stalls that were
    apparently nearby. No problems eating the food and much
    better value (unless breakfast is included in your package,
    of course)Hire a vehicle and do the island. I hired a
    motorbike for five days and had a great time. You can find a
    few really deserted places.
    You will love it.
    regards alan dymond, Melbourne, Australia

  10. Hi ron Added by: biggles (
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 12:15 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    the meridian near Paton is actually halfway between patong
    and karon beach. I stayed in karon and passed it often. It
    is set in a beautiful bay and is a superb location. Only one
    thing to add to the above posts:- I spoke to a couple of
    folks staying at meridian and they paid more for their
    breakfast than I was spending in total for the day. they
    eventually started going out to the food stalls that were
    apparently nearby. No problems eating the food and much
    better value (unless breakfast is included in your package,
    of course)Hire a vehicle and do the island. I hired a
    motorbike for five days and had a great time. You can find a
    few really deserted places.
    You will love it.
    regards alan dymond, Melbourne, Australia

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