Another Flyer

This topic was created by Anti-MAS
[Mon 24 May, 18:06 Tasmanian Standard Time]

Would the pig-ignorant Another Flyer please check his
London-KL flight timetables.

[There are 3 posts - the latest was added on Tue 25 May, 19:56]

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  1. Two Anties Make a Right Added by: Anti- Anti-Mas
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 20:37 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Was there any need to have a go at Another Flyer in the
    manner which you did ? Because he got the flight details
    wrong does that mean he is moronic c**t ? Get a life Anti
    MAS before someone else takes it from you !
    Another Flyer Added by: Anti-MAS
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 18:05 Tasmanian Standard Time]
    is a fucking moronic cunt - MAS does NOT fly into Gatwick
    only Heathrow. Wanker. There are no flights from LGW to KUL
    MAS flies out of T3 at LHR.
    Apart from the fact that Another Flyer is just another
    ignorant arsehole, MAS are the worst of all the major S E
    Asian carriers.

  2. I agree Added by: Koen
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 2:31 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    You were probably right, but there are other ways to make
    your point...

  3. Sounds like Kyaw's style to me Added by: watcher
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 19:56 Tasmanian Standard Time]


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