
This topic was created by visigirl
[Mon 24 May, 15:46 Tasmanian Standard Time]

i know this is probably a silly question... but i'm a first-
time traveler :) I'm from Toronto (Canada), and planning
to go to SEAsia in a month for about 2.5 months; what's the
procedure for obtaining visas? I've called some travel
agencies, and they all tell me i have to go to the
consulates individually... I don't mind doing so, but are
there ANY travel agencies that would handle this? It will
make everything so much easier for myself, as well as my
travelling companions.
Thanks in advance for all responses, they'll be much
appreciated :)

[There are 2 posts - the latest was added on Tue 25 May, 9:14]

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  1. visa help Added by: Suzie (
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 16:38 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Yes it is true that you must apply to each individual
    consulate for each country that you need a visa for but
    travel agencies should be able to help you (it should be one
    of the main services offered). Here in Australia, travel
    agencies usually charge a courier fee but thats ok, at least
    they help. Most agencies usually have this really cool book
    that has every different country and what the visa
    requirements are and you just flip to where you want to go
    and all the info is there. If Canadian passport holders are
    anything like Australian passport holders you won't need a
    visa for most SE Asian countries for a stay of up to 30
    days. If there is a Flight Centre where you live they will
    be able to help you.
    good luck.

  2. Go to Bangkok, Added by: parvatiti (
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 9:14 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Get your Thai visa at the airport(valid one month)then do
    your other visas in Bangkok, very easy (or yes, do it by a
    travel agency, take less time but a bit more money). I'm in
    Montreal, go to Toronto tomorrow, one night then I fly to
    Vancouver for a week, then Singapore, Bangkok, Rangoon, and
    back to Europe after a longggg time travelling :) E-mail
    me, I might be able to help you more... Have fun in SEAsia..

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