This topic was created by PARANOID
[Tue 25 May, 9:40 Tasmanian Standard Time]

I'm a freak about mosquitos. How much do I need to worry
about these on the islands like Bali and Lombok and trekking
around Thailand? Should I bring my trusty mosquito tent and
a gallon of DEIT??? Help!!!

[There are 2 posts - the latest was added on Wed 26 May, 8:35]

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  1. mosquitos Added by: Jasna
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 21:47 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I have just returned from Indonesia, where I travelled the islands from Java to Flores and I have not encountered any areas where I should be afraid of malaria. Before I was also paranoid about this questions so I took with me DEET spray and coilers and electronic device which I used a couple of times. Flores is too hilly and the areas where turists are are Moni or Bajawa where is cool in the night so I think not a lot of mosquitos and also they say on Gilis are mosquitos bot I have asked one owner of the bungalows on Gili Air ans she said the people should not be so much worried. Believe it or not, we got bitten the most in Kuta on Bali where you would not expect it.
    Usually there are mosquito nets on windows or you have a net for the bed.

  2. be prepared Added by: Dawn
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 8:35 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Yes, mosquitos are present and are a concern, not only for
    Malaria but for Dengue Fever. You should come prepared to
    protect yourself. You may be lucky and not have a problem.
    However you may also have the misfortune to be in an area
    of infection. Why take any chances?

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