Good Advice on Sulawesi

This topic was created by Canuck
[Mon 10 May, 10:52 Tasmanian Standard Time]

I want to thank everybody for changing my mind about
spending all three weeks of my vacation in Bali. I have
decided to spend the majority of my time in Sulawesi thanks
to a number of recommendations I recieved here on the Thorn
Tree. Also, the following website:
was a really useful source of information for me,
definitely worth checking out.
So if anyone has any more sound advice on Sulawesi, like
places to stay, great snorkeling spots, good dive
operations, and windsurfing if it's available. Please let
me know,
Happy travels,

[There are 2 posts - the latest was added on Sun 16 May, 21:57]

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  1. South East Added by: bruno (
    [Timestamp: Mon 10 May, 17:59 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Do you know the place Bau-Bau and the snorkeling on P.Hoga ?
    If you have time a must to go.
    I am leaving Wendsday from Switzerland to Manado.

  2. Try the Togian Islands Added by: Tony (
    [Timestamp: Sun 16 May, 21:57 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    A couple of years ago we did a great trip thorugh Sulawesi,
    starting at Manado fo a week's fabulous diving at Bunaken
    then down through the Togian Islands.
    The Togians are beautiful, laid back and there are some
    great snorkelling spots. Probably the best snorkelling
    there was at Bomba, the last island travelling south. If
    you stay at Cecilia Bungalows, run by a lovely family, Mr.
    Ais (pronounced "ice"!) will take you out to the reefs. We
    were lucky enough to snorkel with a pilot whale nearby. I
    don't think it's always there but it was resting inside a
    After the islands we continued down to Tentena back on then
    mainland and organised a trek in the Lore Lindu jungle,
    another experience I would recommend.

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