Exotic Fruits

This topic was created by kiks (kwixter@yahoo.com)
[Sun 23 May, 18:40 Tasmanian Standard Time]

So, worldly travelers of SEA, I'd like to know what fruits
you've eaten that is not local to your native land (or
doesn't grow outside SE Asia). One that you've totally
loved, been disgusted, tasted like another (more familiar)
fruit back home? Here's a few that you can tell me about if
you've tried them (and are certainly not found on the
American continent): Lanzones, Siniguelas, Rambutan, Chico,
Macopa, Aratalis, Star Apple, Seniorita Bananas... Plus,
ever try Green Mango Juice? MMM!! I'm getting homesick.
Surely, being all-adventurous, trying different foods is
part of the fun of traveling, isn't it? Heck, there might
even be more fruits that even I haven't heard of. Let me

[There are 4 posts - the latest was added on Tue 25 May, 12:57]

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  1. Dragonfruit Added by: VR
    [Timestamp: Sun 23 May, 22:51 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I know I'm on the wrong page but the Dragonfruit of Vietnam
    are the most amazing fruit yet encountered. A big white
    Kiwifruitlike interior wrapped in an iridescent purple skin
    that peels off like the wax on a cheese. delicious and so
    big I frquently buy one and that does me for lunch.

  2. Durian! Added by: MiLo (mlo@pinoymail.com)
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 2:06 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    while, native to my country, is only available in the south
    (sigh). I fell in love with this smelly, stinky, heavenly-
    tasting fruit in Bangkok, and haven't lost the craving for
    it since! Those milk-adulterated durian candies don't do
    the fruit any justice (love durian ice cream though!).

  3. Tropical fruit Added by: Julius (jheinis@nettally.com)
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 2:27 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I traveled through SE Asia and other places
    to look for tropical fruit.
    I wrote up about it in my home pages:
    Go look.

  4. Mangoes and Mangosteens... Added by: Karlo
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 12:57 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Philippine, Indonesian, Thai and Vietnames mangoes are
    unsurpassed. They're frighteningly cheap on the Delta, and
    they'll toss in a bag of sweet little juicy lanzones for
    The purple mangosteens of Bali are addictive, and those
    damned snakey-looking salaks that don't really taste sweet
    or tart or fruity, but just keep sitting there asking to be
    Ripe jackfruit is nice, too, if you catch it at just the
    right stage. And of course the durian is in a class by
    itself, for several reasons.

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