Kota Kinabalu in June

This topic was created by Buck (bucksara@yahoo.com)
[Sat 8 May, 11:16 Tasmanian Standard Time]

My wife and I are planning to travel to Kota Kinabalu
between June 5-11. What is the weather like at that time?
I know its monsoon like weather but is that like a little
rain each day with some sun or overcast and raining every
day? Also if anyone has any suggestions on what to do i.e.
snorkeling, trekking etc. and where to go to do them I
would appreciate the information. Thanks!

[There are 8 posts - the latest was added on Mon 24 May, 10:15]

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  1. US TOO Added by: US2
    [Timestamp: Sun 9 May, 22:40 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    My wife and I are also travelling to Borneo in June.
    Nobody sems to have answered you who has been there, so
    I'll add my 2 cents. from what I gather from my research
    it is in dry season so rain should not be too distracting.
    highlights seem to be wildlife, snorkelling/diving and
    rainforest walks. Hope someone answers you that knows
    firsthand. I'm probably just regurgitating what you
    already know. have fun.

  2. K. K. Added by: H (Hannah@alljones.freeserve.co.uk)
    [Timestamp: Sun 9 May, 23:36 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Us2, I've already replied to Buck (directly, by email), and
    given him some info. I've been to Sabah and Sarawak a
    couple of times, so if you want to know of some good places
    to go - email me for more info!:)

  3. Try Semporna Added by: Jing (rosel_a_r@hotmail.com)
    [Timestamp: Sat 15 May, 10:09 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I have just been to sabah with my family, we foud a company
    throug a friend of mine who recomended them Asiaconect in
    The run Island camping diving and snorkeling tours to the
    many islands around Semporna.
    If you are looking for somthing different and not too
    touristy then contact them.
    They then arranged for us to stay at another BB in Sandakan
    and the family there were great as well Robert and Liz ,
    but they were also a great help with everything we wanted
    to do.
    It was also affordable.
    Anway contact Asiaconect Australian guy named Peter at
    asiaconect@hotmail.com they will help you. At least they
    will reply and give you the info you need.

  4. ASIABULL Added by: Jang Jung Jong
    [Timestamp: Sat 15 May, 20:12 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Jing seems to be forever in Sabah. Are you working for Asia
    Connect? I have seen quite a few of your mail. One minute
    you were there last month and the next you were ther last
    week with your family. Every time you visit Asia Connect!
    If its Peter of (Peter Lawless) ex-Pulau Bajau you are
    recommending to, then I must say its a bad advise. Lousy
    dishonest guy. Watch out for what he promised to do, he
    usually will deliver 70%!

  5. MEET ME!!!!!!!! Added by: Joydeep (joydeep@medicine.med.um.my)
    [Timestamp: Sun 16 May, 15:46 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    If you are in Kuala Lumpur you could meet me or even stay
    with me.I am a doctor and like company.

  6. North Borneo Dive and Sea Sports Added by: Peter Lawless (Asiaconect@hotmail.com)
    [Timestamp: Mon 17 May, 19:58 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hi Fenny & Jerry or should I say (Jang Jung Jong) ,
    Thanks for the coments about our company , just goes to
    show that when the competition hots up the gutless start
    making slurs against us.
    I haven't seen anyone recomending you company but we know
    why dont we.
    Sorry to add this folks, I recieved an e-mail telling me to
    have a look here, so look what I find. I realy don't like
    the tacktics that this so called company employ.
    We prefere to let our customers decide!
    PS. Don't get them mixed up with Borneo Divers & Sea Sport
    the founders of operations at Sipadan.

  7. Asiaconnect Added by: Jang Jung Jong
    [Timestamp: Sun 23 May, 15:54 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Yeah, sure you rec'd an e-mail from someone to take a look
    of this page. Now the true Jing shows up.
    I am not who you think I am. Not that so-called Fenny or
    Jerry. Looks like you have done more damage to your
    company's name by ripping tourists off than I thought you
    I was one of your customers and I have decided to campaign
    against you.

  8. If thats true Added by: Peter Lawless (asiaconect@hotmail.com)
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 10:15 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hi Jang Jung Jong ,
    I have checked our records and I don't seem to be able to
    find your name amongst our customer list.
    Besides we usally deal with any complaints on the spot.
    Could you please explain the nature of the rip off and what
    went wrong.
    I would also like to know what date and which service were
    provided that you feel so strongly about.
    If you were in fact a customer (which I sincerly doubt) you
    certainly did not make any comment at the time.
    I would appreciate it if you would give us you e-mail
    address what are you afraid of, or e-mail me directly.
    Please give me all the above information and our company
    will gladly give you a full refund.
    Hope to hear from you soon.

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