
This topic was created by Tim
[Sun 9 May, 18:50 Tasmanian Standard Time]

This July and August I will be spending some time in
Brazil, I'm lucky to know someone in the Sao Paulo area and
I will be spending approximatley a month with them, however
I have a month spare. I really like the idea of spending 1
month on a deserted beach camping and reading, could anyone
recommend somewhere. I'm thinking the North may be best at
this time of year.

[There are 9 posts - the latest was added on Wed 19 May, 13:55]

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  1. Brazil Added by: Maja (
    [Timestamp: Sun 9 May, 20:05 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Well,I'm going to be in this part of globe in July too.I'm
    coming to BH in the beginning of July and will stay at my
    friend's home for at least 2 weeks.Then I'll fly to SP.I've
    got arranged the place to stay(at my friend's
    friends:)).So,we could meet there....If you are interested
    e-mail me.
    By the way...I'm 22 yo Slovene biology student(female:))who
    is deeply into sports(beach volley,mountain biking),likes
    travelling,meeting new people,partying,nature,...

  2. Brazil Added by: Maja (
    [Timestamp: Sun 9 May, 20:06 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Well,I'm going to be in this part of globe in July too.I'm
    coming to BH in the beginning of July and will stay at my
    friend's home for at least 2 weeks.Then I'll fly to SP.I've
    got arranged the place to stay(at my friend's
    friends:)).So,we could meet there....If you are interested
    e-mail me.
    By the way...I'm 22 yo Slovene biology student(female:))who
    is deeply into sports(beach volley,mountain biking),likes
    travelling,meeting new people,partying,nature,...

  3. Forget Sao Paulo Added by: lars (
    [Timestamp: Mon 10 May, 0:00 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    it is big, dirty and awful.
    In the area go to Parati, Angras des Reis, Tiradentes, Ouro
    Preto and don┤t miss Foz de Iguazu neither. That will take
    you about a month - then do the North.
    Presently travelling down here, and I hope you will listen
    to this advise.
    Enjoy your travels,
    Ps in Foz de Iguazu, you must see the waterfalls from the
    Argentinian side too, and stay at the youth hostel outside
    town - it's absolutely one of the best I have ever stayed

  4. Brasil Added by: Tiina
    [Timestamp: Mon 10 May, 1:29 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I agree with Lars, one month in Sao Paulo is absolutey too much! Northeast Brazil is really nice. You shold go to ilha Morro de Sao Paulo in Bahia, its pretty popular during the high season, but it should be ok, during August.
    If you want to see something else than Sao Paulo in the South, you could go to Curitiba, nice town, but not so intresting and take the train to the cost. The view is absolutely fabulous. In the Parana cost there is an island called Ilha do Mel, with is really nice and calm also, but the weather can be cold in the august. Have a nice time in Brazil!

  5. Brasil Added by: Tiina
    [Timestamp: Mon 10 May, 1:30 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I agree with Lars, one month in Sao Paulo is absolutey too much! Northeast Brazil is really nice. You shold go to ilha Morro de Sao Paulo in Bahia, its pretty popular during the high season, but it should be ok, during August.
    If you want to see something else than Sao Paulo in the South, you could go to Curitiba, nice town, but not so intresting and take the train to the cost. The view is absolutely fabulous. In the Parana cost there is an island called Ilha do Mel, with is really nice and calm also, but the weather can be cold in the august. Have a nice time in Brazil!

  6. Brasil Added by: Tiina
    [Timestamp: Mon 10 May, 1:31 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I agree with Lars, one month in Sao Paulo is absolutey too much! Northeast Brazil is really nice. You shold go to ilha Morro de Sao Paulo in Bahia, its pretty popular during the high season, but it should be ok, during August.
    If you want to see something else than Sao Paulo in the South, you could go to Curitiba, nice town, but not so intresting and take the train to the cost. The view is absolutely fabulous. In the Parana cost there is an island called Ilha do Mel, with is really nice and calm also, but the weather can be cold in the august. Have a nice time in Brazil!

  7. Brasil Added by: Tiina
    [Timestamp: Mon 10 May, 1:31 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I agree with Lars, one month in Sao Paulo is absolutey too much! Northeast Brazil is really nice. You shold go to ilha Morro de Sao Paulo in Bahia, its pretty popular during the high season, but it should be ok, during August.
    If you want to see something else than Sao Paulo in the South, you could go to Curitiba, nice town, but not so intresting and take the train to the cost. The view is absolutely fabulous. In the Parana cost there is an island called Ilha do Mel, with is really nice and calm also, but the weather can be cold in the august. Have a nice time in Brazil!

  8. SP is OK... if Added by: Marc (
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 8:33 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    .. if you have a local contact! So Tim don┤t worry. I spent
    two weeks in SP early april and now I┤m back for another
    week.. Yes, it is is a huge and durty place... But if you
    have a local contact don┤t worry about it.. You will find
    that there is something going on here every night.. so if
    you┤re coming for the nightlife you┤ll be fine... If you
    come to rest and enjoy nature ... forget SP
    Locals tend to leave the city in the weekends because it
    can drive you nuts.. traffic, criminality, etc. but the
    beach is only 2 hours away.
    And to Lars: you never mentioned Florianopolis in SC, I
    think I met you there... also a fun place to go to (Surf
    the sanddunes at Joaquina beach.) and yes: they have an
    Internet cafe there too.

  9. Northeast!!! Added by: Aline (
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 13:55 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hi Tim... I am from Brazil and I live in the Northeast. You
    will find it hard to see better weather anywhere else in my
    country... I really believe the Northeast are is just the
    place you can't help falling in love with.
    I am open to give you or any person who may be interested
    in coming any necessary advice and/or help.
    So if you are interested, mail me and I will tell you
    See you,

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