Beaches in Ecuador

This topic was created by pasty
[Sun 9 May, 14:42 Tasmanian Standard Time]

Are there any? What are they like? How warm is the water?

[There are 4 posts - the latest was added on Fri 14 May, 2:36]

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  1. Waaa! Added by: G-String
    [Timestamp: Mon 10 May, 5:33 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Muisne, south of Esmeraldas. Water is cool.

  2. d_nice73 Added by: d_nice73
    [Timestamp: Tue 11 May, 2:41 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Salinas, outside of Guayaquil, about 2 or 3 hours. There
    is a long two lane highway. During the busy season, there
    summer, they close of the roads so that traffic can only
    flow in one directions and reverese the direction at night
    to accomidate the traffic. It is a fun location, most of
    the more well to do Guayaquilanians have homes in the area
    and vacation there with frequency. Nice food and some nice
    hotels you can stay in... small beach, but still fun.
    Playas... Much more quiet and a MUCH bigger beach... This
    place is nice and relaxed... Bring a book... I have been
    there when the wind kicks it and it can be a bit much. But
    otherwise a great beach. Good restuarants around the area
    to eat some great, typical food. Loma en plancha, platinos
    etc... Hotels are quiet... I am not sure if there is a
    night life here or not... but they do like their beach.
    Esmereldas... Great beach, lots of bars right on the
    beach... avoid the Coco Loco... good drink but I never
    trusted it... alot of alcohol and local water crammed into
    a coconut and servered with a straw... This area is a
    little more rugged... about 50 yards behind your Hotel you
    will find some dire bario's. This is where all the
    released slaves of Columbia and Ecuador moved too from
    years ago, so there is a unique and fun blend of Caribian,
    African and Latin personality in the area... I had a blast.
    There is another beach... I think it is Manta... I really
    forget... ask around about surfing colonies in Ecuador and
    the name of this beach will come up... There is a surfing
    colony that is really cool... They have little bungalos you
    can rent and live in for some time... I think it is Manta.
    It has a HUGE cliff at one point that cuts down to the
    coast and then extends along an enormous, pristine beach...
    Not many people are here. Some houses and few people...
    With all beaches in Ecuador, undertow is a problem. Be
    careful swimming. Most don't have life guards and the
    undertow is real. I have known of people who have died at
    these beaches... But don't let that consume you... They are
    fun and available from most locations in the country.

  3. Go North! Added by: Cranth
    [Timestamp: Tue 11 May, 12:48 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    To above d_nice, it couldn't be Manta. Manta is a pretty large place and the beach is real tacky. You must be thinking of Muisne
    or Atacames. there are beautiful white, sandy beaches there. The one at Manta is quite dirty, much like those near Salinas

  4. d_nice Added by: d_nice
    [Timestamp: Fri 14 May, 2:36 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hey I remember!!!!!
    Olon... or Orlon.... It is a great beach... very remote...
    stayed with some family friends there... Not alot to do
    that I know of, but it is a long beach.
    While facing the Ocean, the surfing colony is on the Left
    and the beach extends to the right of a huge cliff that
    overlooks the Ocean...
    have fun!!!! And also... Salinas is not bad... i actually
    like it alot... Not that dirty at all... I went to so many
    beaches in Ecuador.... Sometimes leaving at 4 in the
    morning to get to the beach and leaving only to return at
    2... but it was always GREAT!!!
    Enjoy Ecuador... I really great country.

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