Bicycling S. America

This topic was created by Cheryl (
[Mon 3 May, 12:53 Tasmanian Standard Time]

Last call for anyone still wanting to join me on my bike
trip of S. America. I will begin in August in Venezuela,
head thru Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, CHile, down to
Tierra, northeast thru Argentina, in to Uruguay, Paraguay,
and Brazil. National Parks will top the agenda.
Still looking for people to join me for parts or all of it.
If interested, please email me directly.

[There are 3 posts - the latest was added on Fri 7 May, 2:00]

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  1. I wish I were going... Added by: Zack F. (
    [Timestamp: Mon 3 May, 14:37 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Your trip sounds absolutely amazing! I was in Bolivia for a
    month or so last fall and I kept thinking to myself: "this
    country is one huge mountainbike trail". There were so many
    neat places I would like to have gone but for lack of
    public transportation. I've day-dreamed ever since about
    going back and biking the Andes...
    What kind of bicycle will you use? Are you brining a tent,
    a bivy-sack, just a tarp? I've been putting together a
    mental list of the necessary equipment, and I'm just
    curious to hear what you're considering taking.
    I'll be in Venezuela from July 16th to August 9th, but
    sadly without a bike. Otherwise, I'd certainly consider
    joining you for part of the way...
    If you feel like replying, you can always email me.

  2. a related question - bike trips along the coast Added by: Kristin (
    [Timestamp: Tue 4 May, 7:29 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Sorry I can't make the trip - sounds great. But does anyone
    have any information on groups that organize bike trips up
    or down the Pacific coast of Equador and Peru? Is it doable
    for a decent athlete, but someone who has little "expertise"
    in biking? I'll be in E & P from June through mid July.

  3. Other bikers Added by: Cesar Delgado (
    [Timestamp: Fri 7 May, 2:00 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I you want some tips for your trip write to
    They are a French and British (Richard and Stani) who have
    31 months clycling from Alaska!!!

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