Easter Island

This topic was created by kiwi_girl (a_grif@hotmail.com)
[Mon 17 May, 20:20 Tasmanian Standard Time]

Anybody have any recomendations for accommodation on Easter Island? Am heading off in 2 weeks for my big OE there and SA mainland. Just a smattering of nerves at doing it by myself and any help would be appreciated!
Hey, it still feels good to be stepping outside my comfort zone, just like you guys before me!

[There are 2 posts - the latest was added on Thu 20 May, 2:25]

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  1. plenty of places... Added by: curimanque (tgreen@bsantander.cl)
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 0:39 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    ííí Iorana !!!
    a year ago I stayed at Ana Rapu's guest house ("pensi≤n" in
    spanish), it was +/-US$12 a night w/breakfast with shared b-
    room ... I don't have her phone but once you arrive to the
    island for sure there might be people looking for "gringos"
    to offer them their guest houses.
    There's a decent web at www.rapanui.cl ... BTW it's
    politcal INcorrect to name RapaNui (native name) as Easter
    If you're travelling aroun June I guess you'll have a rainy
    season, probably you won't be able to scuba dive (which is
    great) but all the surroundings of the island are great,
    make sure to tour around the island (rent a jeep or bike)to
    see all the magnificent volcanoes and "moais" ... I still
    remember a beautiful sunset riding a horse by the sea shore.
    If you've further questions (also Chile), feel free to e-
    amil me

  2. easter is Added by: rpat (rpatter927@aol.com)
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 2:25 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I stayed at Ana Rapu for a week & it was excellent. Ana is
    a friendly, helpful person. I paid $25.00 per day for the
    best room plus dinner. Ana also has kitchen privileges. I
    strongly suggest taking a tour of the island simply because
    so much looks like a rock pile to the untrained eye. Pato,
    a friend of Ana's, runs good ones for $25.00 p.p. Rapa Nui
    is a good place to start your trip. The airport will be
    crawling with people offering accomodation. Ana's daughters
    will probably be there also. Have fun. bob

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