Accommodation in BA

This topic was created by sandy
[Mon 17 May, 15:22 Tasmanian Standard Time]

Am going to BA for 3-4 weeks to do tango classes. I'd like
an alternative to a hotel, maybe a shared apartment or
staying with a family. (I want to avoid English speakers so
I can improve my Spanish)...Does anybody have any experience
in alternative accommodation. I'd like to be central as
I'll be going out at night quite a lot (to dance of course!)
Also...I'd like it to be reasonably affordable.

[There are 1 posts - the latest was added on Sat 22 May, 2:22]

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  1. central, what is central? Added by: Andarin2 (
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 May, 2:22 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    BA is so large, and its nightlife so extended, that it is difficult to decide which spot is the best. For high-end (yet charming) places, you should target Recoleta, but it may be too expensive. For low-end, bohemian atmosphere, the place is San Telmo. Many popular discos are in the parks district (Palermo, Paseo de la Infanta). There are other interesting spots like Plaza Serrano (pubs), Flores (middle-class), Puerto Madero (recycled docks).

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