To Mexico and beyond..........

This topic was created by Chris (
[Tue 25 May, 16:51 Tasmanian Standard Time]

My girlfriend and I are planning a trip driving fromCanada
(Alberta) down the American west coast and then around
Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa
Rica, Panama, Belize and hopefully most of South America and
Brasil for Carnival and then Back to New York City. Our plan
is to drive the whole way and camp in our van where
possible. Taking about 6 to 9 months to do so depending on
funds, weather, local atmosphere and how much time it
actually takes. Our van in equipt to camp with four people,
so what we're looking for is another couple to join us and
share costs for the trip or a few couples to join in for
different parts of the trip. We're both 23 I'm Canadain and
she's British and have spent most of the past three years
travelling. Neither of us smoke or use drugs but do not care
if others do enjoy to do so as long as there capable of
respecting our choice not to. This trip is a few months off
because we are still both in the planning and saving stage
but would like to see if there is anyone interested in
joining us. We hope to start out from Canada sometime in
October 1999. If anyone is interested email me at the
address above or leave a post here.
I'd also like to hear from anyone who's done this trip or
any part of it about the must and must not do's. Thank you!

[There are 1 posts - the latest was added on Wed 26 May, 6:43]

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  1. El Salvador Added by: Craig
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 6:43 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    You might not get too much info. on El Salvador so for what it's worth....
    A great place for a couple of days is Lago de Coatepeque which is near santa Ana in Nth El Salvador. Its totally relaxing and beautiful. We were there in '95 so can't give a recent accom. recomendation - we stayed in Hotel Torremolinos. Santa Ana is also worth a couple of days as is Cerro Verde.
    Don't be put off but a wee warning:
    Be especially careful in E.S - sad to say but San Salvador was very dicey in '95 - stick to the Boulevard Los Heroes area if poss. There are lots of gang / drug related probs - many returning expats are bringing back some nasty habits from the US. However as always the majority of people are very friendly and respecful and just expect the same in return.
    We also travelled in Mexico and Guatemala so if you need any specific info. email
    Happy planning.

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