South American women....

This topic was created by Normal Guy.....
[Thu 13 May, 3:27 Tasmanian Standard Time]

This is a serious question and I would prefer not to
receive harassment from wimmins libbers and / or perverts
In which South American country is it easiest to sleep with
the locals ?
I am NOT looking to get AIDS......I┤m just a normal full-
blooded male who┤s not afraid to admit to it .
Please help me with this matter ......

[There are 37 posts - the latest was added on Sun 23 May, 13:21]

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  1. d_nice73 Added by: d_nice73
    [Timestamp: Thu 13 May, 4:33 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Oh Norm,
    Norm, Norm, Norm. First of all, while it may be a serious
    question, you are sitting on a web site in which the
    regular attendee's don't drop a nickel on the street for
    fear it will fuel the black market. This is not a good
    question and I can't imagine the makers of this site were
    wishing to offer themselves to the international pimps of
    the world. Unfortunetly, there are sites, that, with a
    little research, you could find which will give the names
    of brothels in any city of the world. Of course you know
    that your pursuit of orgasmic pleasures typically comes at
    the expense of economically deprived, victimized women who
    are typically force into this situation via a misoginist
    society that robs them of spirit, worth and
    dignity...utilizing rape, abuse and threats as the tools of
    submission. But if pleasure of your penis takes priority
    over living with a shread or moral dignity, then I am only
    certain there is an entire world for you to abuse with your
    testicular fortitude. Of course you are just a "normal
    guy", I just wish there were less "normalicy" in this world.

  2. ..your question Added by: dhm (
    [Timestamp: Thu 13 May, 4:49 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Why don't you do yourself a favor and just stay home?

  3. HI all you goddamn weazels Added by: peter
    [Timestamp: Thu 13 May, 6:23 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    1- dnice, the guy didn't ask for prostitutes did he? So that
    kindof trashes your response! (with which I agree to a
    certain degree)
    2- In my limited experience and from stories:
    a- Brazil does have amazingly beautiful women and a loose
    b- Colombia has nice women also
    c- Bolivia has ugly women (SORRY SORRY, that's just what I
    thought) Beautiful country though.
    Have fun norm.

    Let it be said: all the males who go to Brazil ONLY to get
    laid with a nice girl they can't get at home make me sick!
    (and there's loads of them), but I think having sex if you
    happen to meet a nice girl while traveling is kindof
    healthy, no?
    If sex is a priority, I'd head for Brazil. It also happens
    to be an amazing country to explore. Waw. Learn some
    portuguese. (and be VERY careful for STD's!)

  4. d_nice Added by: d_nice
    [Timestamp: Thu 13 May, 6:35 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Touche` Peter,
    He did not mention prostitutes...
    But hell, why doesn't he come to the United States? You
    are going to find the loosest morals amongst men or women.
    It seems to me that this person is trying to take advantage
    of economic prowess to get what he desires. Does he lack
    the basic capacity to accomplish said task in his
    homeland? Does he wish to leave no messy strings
    attached? Why would anyone ever want to help him get laid?
    If he wants easy-sex, go to a Mexican Border town, go to a
    U.S. Spring Break hot spot, get a hooker!
    I guess it is just sad that the destiny of the world he
    wishes to go to is the one that will most easily get his
    "wick lit". No regard for culture, experience, travel...
    It is reminiscent of those that flock to Amsterdam for one
    thing, drug use.
    So good for you Norm!!!! GET SOME!!!! YEAH BABY!!! YEAH!!!

  5. HI all you goddamn weazels Added by: peter
    [Timestamp: Thu 13 May, 6:35 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    1- dnice, the guy didn't ask for prostitutes did he? So that
    kindof trashes your response! (with which I agree to a
    certain degree)
    2- In my limited experience and from stories:
    a- Brazil does have amazingly beautiful women and a loose
    b- Colombia has nice women also
    c- Bolivia has ugly women (SORRY SORRY, that's just what I
    thought) Beautiful country though.
    Have fun norm.

    Let it be said: all the males who go to Brazil ONLY to get
    laid with a nice girl they can't get at home make me sick!
    (and there's loads of them), but I think having sex if you
    happen to meet a nice girl while traveling is kindof
    healthy, no?
    If sex is a priority, I'd head for Brazil. It also happens
    to be an amazing country to explore. Waw. Learn some
    portuguese. (and be VERY careful for STD's!)

  6. great discussion topic Added by: scott
    [Timestamp: Thu 13 May, 12:12 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    your poetic use of the english language almost made a
    crusader out of me! good thoughts though, i agree that
    there seems to be a discrepency among travelers as to what
    is important on ones journey. but norm does have a point
    in that travel is a liberating experience in many regards
    and allows a person to lose their identity for a short
    period. in my mind this means that norm has a right to be
    whoever he wants while he is travelling and if that includes
    promiscuity among the locals then so be it.
    although.....balance and judgement are key.
    I am planning a 2 month trip to south america myself and
    hope that i can meet a beautiful chiquita also.
    however, there are other things i look forward to more than
    ps. i had to add to this colorful conversation.

  7. Get real....... Added by: Todd
    [Timestamp: Fri 14 May, 1:45 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Normal guy,
    Get a life! I agree with D_Nice73, you are just useing your
    economic statis to get laid. If sex isn't a problem, you
    wouldn't have to travel so far to get it. Peter, what's up
    with you? It is quit obvious that Normal Guy wants to
    exploit the locals. You can meet nice locals just about
    anywhere in the world, so why does Normal Guy have to find
    the easiest spot to get laid? Answer: He's a looser! The
    easiest spots to get laid are those with the worst economic
    hardships! Hey Normal guy, did the date rapes at the
    fraternity house finally catch up with you?

  8. why me? Added by: Kirk
    [Timestamp: Fri 14 May, 6:48 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I travel all the time and have for 20 years, Norm, I can
    count on one hand (less than one hand) the number of sexual
    encounters I have racked up . You really will do better at
    home 'ol boy. But maybe I am just a loser! Give it you best
    shot norm, you may need a few shots when you get back but
    who cares? OHhhhhhhhh baby, thats it, right there, oohhhhh

  9. go to eastern europe Added by: remolacha (
    [Timestamp: Fri 14 May, 15:26 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    There are whole web sites that will tell where to go to get
    laid --and the poorer the country the easier it is...
    Bur South america is a very traditional Catholic country-
    so if sex is your main priority, I hear the economically
    deprived countries of eastern Europe-Bulgaria and Romania
    especially- are the places to go. there are lots of
    desperate young women who are just hoping for a meal ticket
    or a ticket out.

  10. mind your own morals Added by: norm
    [Timestamp: Sat 15 May, 2:19 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hey are normal...these self righteous people think that they're morals are the only right ones ought to keep their thoughts to themselves...but like the television evangelist they just know what is right & will kill you to accept their views of what should be Prostitution...whether it be selling your body for money, security, or a night out on the town...has been around since the beginning of time. I travel extensively & find sex along the way in just about every country...both paid for sex & gringas along the way....I find the local hookers to be much more fun...& less pontificating.

  11. Oh dear.... Added by: Normal guy....
    [Timestamp: Sat 15 May, 2:42 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I do seem to have stirred up a hornet┤s nest here. I have
    never used a prostitute before; why should I do so in South
    America...I┤m not stupid...everybody knows about the
    dangers ...finally ...what┤s wrong with sex? I do it at
    home , why shouldn┤t I do it when I┤m travelling ?...and
    why is it that certain naive beings assume that I┤m going
    to SA just to get laid ? I asked a reasonable question and
    got some absurd answers..thanks, by the way, to the guy who
    recommended Brazil...and yes, I WILL be careful . Thanks
    also for the advise about Bolivia ...
    I agree too, that American girls are easy as hell, and
    pretty easy to get, too..but I┤m not going there....

  12. d_nice73 Added by: d_nice73
    [Timestamp: Sat 15 May, 3:48 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I actually like this discussion... I hope more people
    entertain what is evolving here. For or against, it seems
    like a good topic to debate... though it could never reach
    the fortitude of the infamous "black market" discussion.
    There is morality which is born from fear and through
    repetition and morality born from experience. I would like
    to think mine is the latter and not a result of self-
    righteousness... Though norm, you seem like you want to
    expose self-righteousness... to your credit. You would
    like the writings of Flannery O'Connor.

  13. Wondering Added by: C
    [Timestamp: Sat 15 May, 18:53 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I wonder how the South American women would feel after
    reading what has been written here about them and also what
    your purpose for travelling is. You've been "honest" on
    the thorntree, but how honest will you be with them?

  14. "Local's opinion" Added by: "Local"
    [Timestamp: Sat 15 May, 20:47 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    It is easy to get laid here in Brazil.
    And not due to our "loose sex-moral", but because sex is good. There are also lots of beautifull brazilian girls, and some of they really like it.
    If you want to pay, you'll find plenty. But I bet you can't have sex with a nice one without paying. Sorry, but brazilian penis also work here.

  15. What's the point! Added by: wojo
    [Timestamp: Sun 16 May, 3:16 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    All this talk about sex. I thought that sex was a union
    between two people that love each other! I don't find sex
    with a person that could care less about you very
    satisfactory. Is anybody looking for relationships
    anymore??? Does commitment mean anything anymore??? Why has
    nobody asked if S.A. women make good mothers or wives??!!
    What about children, are any of you guys willing to care for
    an infant if your condom fails??!! It is my guess that a
    young woman in a poor situation will have another
    responsiblty ALONE!

  16. What's the point! Added by: wojo
    [Timestamp: Sun 16 May, 3:16 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    All this talk about sex. I thought that sex was a union
    between two people that love each other! I don't find sex
    with a person that could care less about you very
    satisfactory. Is anybody looking for relationships
    anymore??? Does commitment mean anything anymore??? Why has
    nobody asked if S.A. women make good mothers or wives??!!
    What about children, are any of you guys willing to care for
    an infant if your condom fails??!! It is my guess that a
    young woman in a poor situation will have another
    responsiblty ALONE!

  17. sex and love Added by: norm
    [Timestamp: Sun 16 May, 4:29 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    hey wojo have you ever thought that maybe your opinions are not held by everyone? What makes you think that love and sex are synonyms? or love and marriage...or laws and justice.???
    ....Don't try to force your opinions on others or try to make somebody feel bad because he/she doesn't particularly adhere to your "values"
    ...I've had sex with lots of brag...I've just been around the world a few times...The best sex I ever had was with a hooker...stands to reason that a professional would know what tools to use and how to turn the wrenches.
    ....'normal guy" is just what he says he is...a normal guy...most guys look for sex in many places...and as long as they treat their consenting partner(s) with respect you shouldn't have any say in it...and what's wrong with networking with others about where to find and have safe sex?

  18. SA women Added by: Carlos
    [Timestamp: Sun 16 May, 8:51 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    .... what's the point of travelling if you are not looking
    for girls in every country....? I think the best two
    countries in SA are Colombia and Brazil ( be careful with
    nice looking girls with strong voice , big hands and small
    bumps walking down Ipanema ).
    Why do people think in prostitutes... ? Of course there are
    many like every where else. SA women are hot and they
    enjoy sex... you don't screw them.... they screw you...!

  19. SA women Added by: Carlos
    [Timestamp: Sun 16 May, 8:51 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    .... what's the point of travelling if you are not looking
    for girls in every country....? I think the best two
    countries in SA are Colombia and Brazil ( be careful with
    nice looking girls with strong voice , big hands and small
    bumps walking down Ipanema ).
    Why do people think in prostitutes... ? Of course there are
    many like every where else. SA women are hot and they
    enjoy sex... you don't screw them.... they screw you...!

  20. To "normal guy" Added by: Guy hater
    [Timestamp: Mon 17 May, 19:10 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Unfortunately you really are a "normal guy" in asking stupid questions like this and being plain horny and a dog.

  21. guy hater Added by: norm
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 1:11 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    normal guy...stay a normal guy looking for normal girls...beware of guy haters with knives...especilly if their name is bobbit.

  22. ha Added by: m
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 1:24 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    its funny to see that "stupid blond" can also works for
    and yes, in brazil the girls look GREAT n sexy, as well as
    their moms, as the little girls, and even guys
    (transvestites). unfortunatly for normal guy, i bet he wont
    be able to do any of those... but we do have some dogs here
    too... he might get lucky

  23. This is getting out of hand.... Added by: normal guy
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 1:25 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    .......although I note with approval that Colombia and
    Brazil seem to be most popular places.I shall certainly bear
    that in mind...I am most grateful for the advice on
    prostitutes. Never used one probably due fear of AIDS but
    some of the messages above seem to suggest that it┤s fun.
    Thanks a lot guys....

  24. prostitutes Added by: norm
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 2:56 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Prostitutes have been around for a long time...& legal or not they'll always be there...must be a reason for that normal for getting aids...doesn't matter whether it's a hooker or not and it's easier for a girl to aids from a guy rather than the other way around. either way always take precautions with any kind of sex envolving more than one person in any country.

  25. The road to rome is a few broken eggs Added by: GTBARNEY
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 0:01 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    How about the women in New theres some whores.
    Oh, yeah...mine is a hundred gallons.

  26. Smuggle goods in from SOUTH AMERICA Added by: GTBarney
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 0:05 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    any hints on how to smuggle dogs in from South America. I am
    extremely interested in this one sort of border town breed.
    It has a very Dr. Suessian look to it. I plan to paint them
    blue and sell them on the internet.

  27. d_nice Added by: d_nice
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 1:11 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    hey GTBarney...
    Are you off your medication or something?
    this is actually a psuedo serious discussion on an issue of
    morality and formality in foreign travel. I hope you might
    bring something more than your mixed cliches and fish tank
    fantasies. You are invited to join us in what seems to be
    a rather interesting dialogue on the topic of sexual
    conduct/misconduct in travel.
    New Orleans is beautiful by the way.

  28. Condoms/Marriage. Added by: M.
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 21:31 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hope you will take a bag of condoms with you.
    Also, 2 of my male friends went to Brazil for fun, and they
    came back with brazillian wives.
    So, you never know, you may just get very lucky!!!

  29. to all the miserable people Added by: dick
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 23:47 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    relax everyone above. he enjoys sex, its not the worst
    thing in the world (if done with caution). and dont forget
    that woman like sex too.

  30. d_nice Added by: d_nice
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 0:46 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Miserable... that hurts.

  31. This is good ! Added by: Marg
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 7:05 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    How funny is this ? D_nice, I have to say I really love your
    A very nice discussion this is.
    Norm, I do hope though I won't bump into you on one of your
    "excursions". Man, seriously.......
    Why would you even bother to travel around if the only thing
    you are really interested in is plain sex ? Just let it
    happen and don't be so obsessed about it.
    Or just take dhm's advice !

  32. experience it all Added by: noem
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 15:03 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hey marg I don't say anything negative to you or to anyone else...other than to just mind your own morals. who says sex is all that normal guy or I's just one of the many things we like to experience whether we're on the road or not.

  33. THANKS NOEM Added by: normal guy.....
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 15:55 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Your comments were like a breath of fresh air compared to
    the tight- assed, holier -than- thou preachers that have
    been cluttering this post with their dogmatic
    Sex is not the reason I┤m going to SA but I do it at home
    and expect to do it there as well. I┤M not the one who
    introduced all this bullshit about prostitution, marriage,
    rape etc.
    Any more tips would be welcome. By the way, who let that
    guy GTBarney out of his cage ?
    ( still) Normal guy

  34. My high horse Added by: Todd
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 3:36 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Normal guy,
    Hey there, I'm not trying to push my morals on anyone. I
    think I'm about as laid back as one can be. My words were
    pretty harsh, I'm sorry. I just don't like to hear about
    women in developing countries getting diseases or pregnent
    w/gringo babies to raise by themselves. By all means have
    sex if you meet someone, just be respectful and use

  35. reread todd Added by: norm
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 3:58 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Todd...please re-read your previous text and tell us you weren't being a wee bit judgmental....and then calling a guy a loser just because he made a little locker room inquiry...

  36. normal answer! Added by: pino
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 May, 15:55 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    No problem normal guy, this is a normal question and I give
    you normal answer.
    Go to Peru, especially Iquitos and Lima.
    Forget about Argentina, too much snob women there.
    Good luck.

  37. What a pity! Added by: South American Native
    [Timestamp: Sun 23 May, 13:21 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I'm sad to hear that foreigners have us, SA women in such a low concept. I hate the fact that when a woman likes to enjoy sex she is held as "easy" while when a man likes to enjoy it it is considered, manly, "normal", etc. In other words I dislike the double standard that some people in this topic use to label people. Negative labels for women, if they do anything formerly thought as men's exclusive behavior, and no negative labels for men even if their actions are not good.
    Why don't you all give us a break, and stop all that prevention stuff about interpersonal relationships with locals. Hasn't it occurred to you that locals may be curious about how is it like to do it with a foreigner?

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