
This topic was created by Alice Y
[Thu 6 May, 9:24 Tasmanian Standard Time]

I'm taking my parents to Peru and Bolivia this year. They
are in their late fifties and reasonably fit, but my mother
has a bad back and won't cope with long hours in badly
sprung buses. Is it possible to take them on a four or
five day trip to Uyuni from La Paz that goes in reasonable
comfort in a well sprung 4WD and with padded mattresses to
sleep on at night? Are there reputable tour companies in
La Paz that I could book this with?

[There are 5 posts - the latest was added on Sat 8 May, 20:56]

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  1. Uyuni Added by: Bob (
    [Timestamp: Thu 6 May, 13:27 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Every night on the tour we had reasonably comfortable Bolivian standards. Everything else is a bit
    primitive. I don't advise in booking in La Paz. 1 it will
    cost more. 2 you can't inspect the vehicle. In Uyuni you can
    get a look at what you will be traveling in. Quality of 4wd
    varies greatly. Buy a big piece of foam rubber in La Paz. She
    can put that on top of her bed and use for padding in the
    car. In the US there is a chain of stores called the Back
    Store. They sell a huge variety of not cheap devices designed
    to help the back. Maybe you could find something there. Check
    also a store that sells supplies for long haul truckers.

  2. Bus Travel in Peru Added by: Peruvian
    [Timestamp: Fri 7 May, 4:57 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    You can see Peru by bus quite comfortably with "Royal
    Orme~no Express". Orme~no has a national and international
    service. Highly recommended. Busses are comfortable and
    have tv and hostesses. Viva Orme~no!

  3. Suggestions... Added by: sarah (
    [Timestamp: Fri 7 May, 8:07 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    The buses from LaPaz to Uyuni are over unpaved roads which
    is the biggest problem ... the buses themselves would
    probably be wonderfully comfortable if they were on nicely
    paved roads...if the back problems are that bad...why not
    fly from LaPaz at least part of the way?...maybe to Sucre?
    Just a suggestion...Post #1 is right on about the basic
    accommodations while on the tour. about flying in
    & out of Chile where there are much nicer paved roads &
    taking a Salar trip starting at the San Pedro de Atacama ??
    It is possible... Colque Tours (& probably others) start
    from both sides...... Airfare is higher to Chile I
    think...but not sure if $ is an object or just pain relief.

  4. Suggestions... Added by: sarah (
    [Timestamp: Fri 7 May, 8:07 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    The buses from LaPaz to Uyuni are over unpaved roads which
    is the biggest problem ... the buses themselves would
    probably be wonderfully comfortable if they were on nicely
    paved roads...if the back problems are that bad...why not
    fly from LaPaz at least part of the way?...maybe to Sucre?
    Just a suggestion...Post #1 is right on about the basic
    accommodations while on the tour. about flying in
    & out of Chile where there are much nicer paved roads &
    taking a Salar trip starting at San Pedro de Atacama ?? It
    is possible... Colque Tours (& probably others) start from
    both sides...... Airfare is higher to Chile I think...but
    not sure if $ is an object or just pain relief.

  5. Not via Sucre Added by: Syd
    [Timestamp: Sat 8 May, 20:56 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Flying to Sucre as suggested by Sarah won't work.
    The road from Sucre is sealed only to Potosi, then dirt all
    the way to Uyuni. The road from La Paz is sealed to Poopo,
    south of Orouro. Either way you will have about the same
    distance of dirt but from Sucre the going is more mountainous
    whereas from Orouro it is mostly flat altiplano.
    Sorry, can't offer anything more constructive.

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