weather in TIBET

This topic was created by laura (
[Thu 13 May, 20:36 Tasmanian Standard Time]

I'm planning a tour in TIBET for next august.I'm interested
in both classic sites (Lhasa and main bhuddist places
around) and a journey in Kailash mountain area.
Please I need to understand if August is a good period for
the weather:
average temperature
clouds (and related good views on the mountain)
I know that Himalaya is under the influence of monsoon, but
I don't know if Tibet is badly involved or not.
I'm not afraid of low temperature but I'd like to have sun!!

[There are 2 posts - the latest was added on Tue 18 May, 19:08]

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  1. Tibetan Weather - bring a warm, waterproof coat Added by: JonA (
    [Timestamp: Fri 14 May, 4:48 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Summer is the time to go temperaturewise, but we saw
    snowfalls in July/August. The night temperature around
    Kailas and particularly to the North falls below freezing
    (at a guess it hit -10), while the day temperature's usually
    t-shirt weather.
    The monsoon starts end July, and obliterates the southern
    route from Kailas to Lhasa. The 'road' disappears totally in
    places, there are virtually no bridges, so you're fording
    swolen rivers etc. Cloud can be heavy too - very like
    Scotland really!

  2. weather Added by: Jirka
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 19:08 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    you can check weather forecast for 3 days and historical
    data for nearly any place (including small vilages in Tibet
    like Madoi) on

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