Working in Tokyo

This topic was created by Samurai (
[Thu 20 May, 12:51 Tasmanian Standard Time]

I've been offered a job in Tokyo (I live in the USA). I was
wondering if anyone knows about living costs in Japan. I
keep hearing and reading that it's really expensive. What
is a decent salary in Tokyo? And is Tokyo a nice place to
Thanks for the help. --Chaika

[There are 3 posts - the latest was added on Fri 21 May, 6:35]

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  1. depends Added by: Josie
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 14:25 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Salary...depends where you are in Tokyo, I make about
    300,000 yen/month and live in Kyoto (another expensive
    city). Its enough to get by comfortably, but not much more
    than that. Rent can be out of control in Tokyo, half your
    salary for a tiny tiny studio.

  2. Life in Tokyo Added by: Rob-M
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 18:25 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Generally speaking, things in Japan are 2-3 times that in
    the U.S., in Tokyo about 2-4 times. Rent for a tiny one
    person apartment can be US$800 and up easily. As for what
    a decent salary is, it depends a lot on what kind of job you
    will do. Tokyo is a nice place to visit, but I sure as hell
    wouldn't want to live there--one quarter of the Japanese
    population is concentrated in the Tokyo area (Kanto), the
    trains and subways in the morning will make a sardine can
    look spacious, streets are jammed, the air pollution is bad,
    etc. etc. At least you won't feel so homesick with all those
    U.S. chain restaurants like TGIF, El Torito, Tony Romas,
    Shakeys, Wendys, Dennys, etc.
    A few good sources of info are The Japan FAQ at and
    How Much Is That in Tokyo? at
    and Dining Out in Tokyo at
    Best of Luck!

  3. it's all relative Added by: tomodachi
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 6:35 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I live in NYC and I found Tokyo prices to be comparable. I
    lived in yokohama for a while and payed for an apartment
    share for about $500 a month. there are cheaper
    neighborhoods outside of tokyo from which you can commute. I
    hope someone is sponsoring you for your rental, because
    foriegners usually have to pay a kind of bribe, on top of
    security fee, and first month's rent just to start off. And
    if you have to buy everything from furniture to appliances,
    well then you are screwed. I loved living there though, and
    I got used to the idea of blowing all my cash. If you're
    real money conscious, maybe you'll hate it. but, memento
    mori, and just have some fun and be sure to bed a lot of
    japanese girls.

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