Bordercrossing by Train: China - Vietnam

This topic was created by Pamela (
[Mon 17 May, 19:13 Tasmanian Standard Time]

I travel to China in the end of June and plan to cross the
border from China to Vietnam in the beginning of July.
My last place to stay will be Kunming, where I would like to
take the train to Hanoi. Does anybody know, where the train
crosses the border, how often the train goes (what days)from
Kunming and if it is difficult to get a ticket (and a visa,
for that matter)in Beijing ?
Would be very thankfull for information !

[There are 2 posts - the latest was added on Tue 18 May, 16:54]

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  1. Kunming Hanoi Added by: erik (
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 5:13 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Train Kunming Hekou(China) Lao Cai(Vietnam) Hanoi.
    Fridays and Sundays. Kunming North Station. tel. 5153506
    Departure Kunming 14,45hrs. Arrival Hanoi one day later
    7,40hrs.Tickets easy available via Hotels in Kunming or
    tourist offices. I do not know if it is possible to buy
    traintickets already in Beijing.
    Sleeper Yuan 273.Entry point for VN.visum in your passport
    should be Lao Cai.This visum you can arrange best before
    your trip, otherwise in Beijing or maybe Kunming.
    There is a restaurant on the train.Good Chinese menues,
    you should take English-Chinese Menue cards from home.
    The trip is very beautiful and long.In July last year I was
    the only foreign passenger on the train. I had a waggon for
    myself. Customs from China very friendly. Customs from
    Vietnam very friendly also but they liked to have English
    Lessons and I had to pay 1 US Dollar for Mr.customs personel
    affairs. I forget to ask 1 US Dollar for the English
    lessons. I often passed this border crossing and it was
    always a pleasant trip without problems. You should consider
    buying a ticket to Lao Cai. From the train station in Lao
    Cai you can easily reach Sapa a very famous Vietnamese
    tourist spot.From Lao Cai there are daily trains to Hanoi.

  2. From Pamela Added by: To Erik
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 16:54 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Dear Erik,
    thank you very much for the detailed information. The trip
    sounds great and I can┤t wait to go abroad the train !
    If you need to know something about Sweden at some point,
    I'm glad to help.
    Greetings from sunny Stockholm,

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