NATO screw up - China

This topic was created by becky (
[Sat 22 May, 1:57 Tasmanian Standard Time]

Please let me know if you have any valuable insight on the
political situation in China at the moment - re: the
attitude to foreigners particularly those from NATO
countries. I'm planning on a trip to China in late July.

[There are 6 posts - the latest was added on Mon 24 May, 12:54]

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  1. answer Added by: lea
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 May, 4:28 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    don't worry, i really don't think you'll have pbs in China,
    my parents are french and are living there currently and
    they had no pbs, even those last days...
    have a nice trip!

  2. More Added by: chris
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 May, 12:49 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I posted some of these comments further down in response to
    another inquiry. Probably 98% of the population believes
    this was anything but an accident for whatever reason or
    motivation. There is no shortage of scholars from this
    Academy or another giving their rationale on TV news
    programs, there is nightly coverage of the "U.S. led NATO
    bombing of Yugoslavia", and CCTV runs a very solemn
    remembrance daily (most conspicuously during their
    English-language news program on CCTV-4) showing pictures of
    the embassy on fire, the father of one of the victims crying
    while holding a bloody sheet, and clips of the arrival of
    the flight carrying home the injured and the remains of the
    dead. Jiang Zemin's speech following the attack has been
    published and the media is carrying stories of its
    bestseller status...this issue isn't going away anytime soon
    in the minds and hearts of a lot of Chinese people.
    No, you probably won't have any difficulties in July;
    hopefully some questions will have been resolved by then.
    If no, and if the media and government continue to prod NATO
    and the people, then all you're likely to encounter are
    people interested in your thoughts and feelings on the
    matter. Probably the main reason Lea's parents (post
    #1) arent having any trouble is that it's the U.S., not
    other NATO countries, that's playing the heavy (i.e. see the
    "U.S. led NATO bombing..." above); it's easy to tell if
    you're about to get questioned because often the question
    will begin, "Excuse me, are you from America?" Right now,
    it's pretty easy for any question-answer session to
    degenrate into an accusational/confrontational-type
    situation if you let it.
    Having said all that, it's hard to precisely say what the
    climate will be like in July (again, hopefully, some closure
    will have been achieved), but overall, you certainly
    shouldn't postpone your trip based on what has happened to

  3. NATO Added by: teach
    [Timestamp: Sun 23 May, 11:42 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Don't worry about post-poning your trip. Things have
    quieted down considerably. I am an American currently
    living in Shanghai and the most common question I get is
    "Why did you bomb our embassy?" (mainly from college
    students) and my reply usually is "I'm from Australia."
    Like Chris said before me, it's really easy to get into an
    argument with someone who's looking for one, so it's just
    easier to avoid the situation. We are affected because we
    live here. As a tourist you may encounter no interest at

  4. CCTV4 news Added by: Adrian
    [Timestamp: Sun 23 May, 13:40 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Chris, what (local) time is the English language news program broadcast? Thanks

  5. News Added by: chris
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 1:55 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    CCTV-4's English-language broadcasts air at 7 PM and 11 PM
    daily in my neck of the woods. If you like your news heavy
    on the relentlessly sunny economic and cooperative
    forecasts, you'll love it. Better is Sunday Topics, airing
    right after at 7:30 PM and 11:30 PM on Sundays, featuring
    the smart, sharp, and stunning Chen Xiaowei (OK, I like
    her). The program offers Ms. Chen's counterpoint to her
    guests views, pushing the envelope on open debate in the
    media I suppose about as far as state control allows.

  6. 'American people are our friends' Added by: Cecilia
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 12:54 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I am living and teaching in China and people are saying
    overwhelmingly that it is the American govt. not the
    AMerican people - that American people are friends of China
    (Exactly what the govt. here has been saying. There is
    nothing to worry about but of course don't be belligerent
    about the situation.

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