A Canadian Person

This topic was created by non-U.S. resident
[Fri 14 May, 10:02 Tasmanian Standard Time]

I am a immigrant Chinese Canadian who lived half of my life in Asia and the other half in Canada. In regards to the bombing of the China Embassy in Yugoslavia, it is sad that there were loss of lives because of the mistake of Nato Troup, but please remember the main purpose of the bombing mission.
History has taught us that killings are tragedy of war, but sometime it is necessary. I do not agree with all the policies of the U.S. carried out throughout the world, but I do believe that when you take on this role, it doesn't always please everybody. If the U.S. does not take on the role of messing around the world affairs in the name of peace, show me who would and if someone can tell me that there would not be killing anymore in the future.

[There are 6 posts - the latest was added on Wed 19 May, 0:49]

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  1. About Canada Added by: Let me tell you
    [Timestamp: Fri 14 May, 17:43 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Canada did a good job in peace keeping, and that's the job
    USA should do. Instead, it bypassed UN and led NATO into
    aggression and killing. If just in case you are so naive as
    to believe in the bullshit, think hard on why more refugees
    were generated and more civilians were killed AFTER the
    bombing. According to the theory of war-to-stop-war, when
    the "good guys" start beating up people, the "bad guys"
    will stop. Look at it now.
    I would say you probably should vote for Canada play only
    the peace keeping role later.

  2. Agree with N.u.R Added by: Brian Brith
    [Timestamp: Fri 14 May, 18:48 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    It is really saddening to think back to the Second World
    War and to the bombing of Dresden. All those innocent
    civilians killed served no purpose and didn't help to win
    the war. It was a big mistake and a great tragedy. But it
    wasn't the biggest tragedy....
    Therefore remember the mistakes and learn from them, but
    never get sidetracked from the larger picture. The Serb
    forces simply have to leave Kosovo. Did asking nicely work
    last time?

  3. Love those Canadian peacekeepers Added by: Dead Somali boy
    [Timestamp: Fri 14 May, 19:19 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    They came to my country to bring peace, but instead they
    beat me to death.

  4. respond to let me tell you Added by: Non-U.S. Resident
    [Timestamp: Sat 15 May, 3:06 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I agree with some of your comment but like "Brian Birth" said , did talking nice work? The serb forces continue to carry out the cleansing and killing despite the warning of Nato. The Serb civilians do have a say in this and rise up to oppose their leader's action, instead , they all supported their leader's action, in and outside of Yugoslavia. What then?
    In this instant, I agree with Nato to use the strategy of "War to stop War", remember it was War against "Hitler" that stopped the 2nd world war. And history also taught us that if U.S. involved in the war earlier, Hitler might not have killed as much Jews.

  5. respond to let me tell you Added by: Non-U.S. Resident
    [Timestamp: Sat 15 May, 3:07 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I agree with some of your comment but like "Brian Birth" said , did talking nice work? The serb forces continue to carry out the cleansing and killing despite the warning of Nato. The Serb civilians do have a say in this and rise up to oppose their leader's action, instead , they all supported their leader's action, in and outside of Yugoslavia. What then?
    In this instant, I agree with Nato to use the strategy of "War to stop War", remember it was War against "Hitler" that stopped the 2nd world war. And history also taught us that if U.S. involved in the war earlier, Hitler might not have killed as much Jews.

  6. eh? Added by: Auditor
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 0:49 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Well, I suppose Brits have the Americans to thank they
    didn't become part of the third Reich; ditto the Australians
    for not being merged into the Japanese co-prosperity sphere,
    and the Canadians and Dutch for not being taken over by the
    Bosnian serbs after their soldiers were handcuffed to their
    own APCs...

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