
This topic was created by Carlos (
[Tue 4 May, 21:54 Tasmanian Standard Time]

If anybody needs infos about Alaska, just mail me. I'll
have a big pleasure to answer your mail. I've just came
back from Anchorage, Firebanks and Seward.

[There are 3 posts - the latest was added on Thu 6 May, 3:28]

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  1. I wanna travel and work under table Added by: jimy (
    [Timestamp: Wed 5 May, 11:51 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hi Carlos!
    I am In whistler as I am skiing and making staying money to
    suvive in canada (from japan)
    when I read yours I felt wonderful.
    I hope you would get useful infomation about working under
    table in alaska
    I have been traveling asia ,assi and kiwi for 2 years
    (working-saving money and then traveling again this is more
    funny for me)
    After canada,I am planning to go to Alaska in the end of
    May ,which would be fantastic
    I don't mind any kind of job (for example lavourer ,
    cleaner , waiter ,....)
    do you have any inf about that?
    please help me! Carlos
    non- english speaker

  2. Answer: I wanna travel and work under table Added by: Carlos
    [Timestamp: Thu 6 May, 3:26 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hi there, that's very nice to answer your question. But at
    the same time, I can give you no infos about that, 'couse I
    travled around Alaska for only 3 weeks, witch didnt give
    me that much infos. Sory about that. Wish you luck.

  3. Answer: I wanna travel and work under table Added by: Carlos
    [Timestamp: Thu 6 May, 3:28 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hi there, that's very nice to answer your question. But at
    the same time, I can give you no infos about that, 'couse I
    travled around Alaska for only 3 weeks, witch didnt give
    me that much infos. Sory about that. Wish you luck.
    Ola, Θ muito bom poder responder sua questao, mas ao mesmo
    tempo, nao ha muito que eu posso lhe informar, pois so
    viajei pelo Alaska por 3 semanas, nas quais nao pude obter
    muitas informacoes sobre isto. Sinto muito. Boa sorte.
    Ps: That's the only 2 languages that I speak

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