Cross Country

This topic was created by mireia & miguel (
[Mon 3 May, 5:15 Tasmanian Standard Time]

Mireia &Miguel are a couple from Spain that want to spend 4
weeks holidays trough the United States in August.
We'd like to get some information about Bed and Breakfast
accomodation,is it possible to obtain any sort of discount
when lodging even in different states?
We plan to travel by plane and by car. Do you have any
other suggestion? Which Rent-a-Car Company do you think is
the best and the cheapest one?
Thank you all in advanceí

[There are 4 posts - the latest was added on Tue 4 May, 7:21]

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  1. Generalities Added by: jim
    [Timestamp: Mon 3 May, 8:09 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    In general, Bed-&-Breakfast accomodations run rather expensive. Very rare under about $40-$50 double, whereas motels can readily be found in most places for around $30, and in some places closer to $20.
    CAr rental varies a lot by location. They are very cheap in Florida, but usually with a stated restriction that they cannot be taken out of Florida -- But how can they know? I think California rentals are also quite cheap. The cheapest companies are Alamo and Dollar. A little-known fact is that any Ford dealer will rent a car, and the local manager has very wide discretion about how much to charge. You might luck into a good deal at a Ford dealer. If you plan to keep the vehicle for a long time but not travcel very far, the TRUCK rental agencies, such as U-Haul, offer their smallest vans at a very low daily rental, but a high mileage charge. Maybe $20 per day, but 0.30 per mile.

  2. Generalities Added by: jim
    [Timestamp: Mon 3 May, 8:09 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    In general, Bed-&-Breakfast accomodations run rather expensive. Very rare under about $40-$50 double, whereas motels can readily be found in most places for around $30, and in some places closer to $20.
    CAr rental varies a lot by location. They are very cheap in Florida, but usually with a stated restriction that they cannot be taken out of Florida -- But how can they know? I think California rentals are also quite cheap. The cheapest companies are Alamo and Dollar. A little-known fact is that any Ford dealer will rent a car, and the local manager has very wide discretion about how much to charge. You might luck into a good deal at a Ford dealer. If you plan to keep the vehicle for a long time but not travcel very far, the TRUCK rental agencies, such as U-Haul, offer their smallest vans at a very low daily rental, but a high mileage charge. Maybe $20 per day, but 0.30 per mile.

  3. Rental Considerations Added by: Kickstart
    [Timestamp: Mon 3 May, 11:30 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Check out what the automobile club in your country has to offer. I had some European guests (Germany) and their flight tickets and vehicle rental packager were cheaper than anything available to walk-in customers in the USA. They used vehicles in two places int he USA w/o problems.

  4. Car rental Added by: Karen Sky
    [Timestamp: Tue 4 May, 7:21 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    To best answer your question about cheap cars I need to
    know where you want to pick the car up and where you will
    drop it off. Many of the cheaper car rental companies will
    not allow you to pick up a car in one city and drop in
    another. National Car Rental tends to have better rates for
    cars picked up in one city and dropped in another.
    As one person pointed out, bed and breakfast places can be
    expensive here as they are usually renovated historic homes
    or mansions. Again, if I knew where you planned to visit in
    the U.S. I might be able to better help you.

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