Honest Opinions

This topic was created by David S.
[Tue 25 May, 1:27 Tasmanian Standard Time]

I just made my reservations for a week in NYC - 4 days
before the New Year and 3 days after. I have never been to
NYC during a New Years celebration, but from a TV, and word
of mouth perspective it seems to be the best party on the
planet. I have also recently seen some bad press on NYC:
the shootings, the mayor protests, etc. I'm looking for
some HONEST LOCAL opinions on how crazy you think it will
get during the New Year celebrations. Will it be safe?
Can they really control all those people without pushing
people around? I'm not looking for police bashing, just
some advice on do's and donÆts. I just wan't to make sure
I have the best possible time.

[There are 7 posts - the latest was added on Wed 26 May, 6:37]

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  1. The Big Apple for the Big Night... Added by: Grey Flannel
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 2:01 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Well, I live in New York, and gut feelings are that it will
    be no problem safety-wise come New Year's. That's not to
    say it won't be crazy. It's a big, crowded city, and if
    you're into big (VERY BIG) crowds and partying, it will be
    something quite unprecedented. Expect the expected crush
    and bustle of a major city multipled somewhat, but no riots
    or anything.

    Personally, I wouldn't want to be anywhere near Times Square
    for the moment (I'll be on a mountain top in colorado), but
    then I was never one for crowds....

  2. hate to tell you but Added by: nyer
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 6:37 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    the truth is very few of us locals will go anywhere near
    times square on new years -- it should be safe enough --
    there is always a huge police presence but the crowds are
    awful, drunken and loud -- the midnight run in central park
    with its fireworks is where you'll find the locals if they
    haven't run away from the city !!

  3. agree with above Added by: becca
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 14:47 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I'm another New Yorker who also wont be anywhere near times
    square on New Years. Every year it's a crazy scene, but
    probably only really enjoyable if you love crowds,
    congestion, and teenagers. I wouldn't worry about safety,
    except for normal city precautions against pickpocketing,
    walking down dark, isolated streets, etc. From past
    experience, I think the majority of young and/or trendy New
    Yorkers will be partying at private parties at bars and
    clubs that were booked and paid for (my range of invites ran
    from $60 - $125 this past year) well ahead of time. I
    imagine this New Years will only be worse. If I was going to
    be in NY, I would make sure to get an invite and RSVP early
    to a party with friends. The few bars & clubs that aren't
    invite only will probably be unbearably crowded (can't get a
    drink) and expensive. I'm sure it will be lots of fun in any
    case though. Have a blast!

  4. Won't find me there! Added by: Another NYer
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 23:32 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    But I'm sure it will be a blast.
    I've heard that every NY City police officer is expected to
    be on duty on New Year's Eve. The crowd will be loud and
    rowdy, no doubt. As mentioned above, do take usual
    precautions when in the crowd. I'd leave knapsack, pocket
    book, etc. home...pickpockets run rampant in these sort of
    situations. Subway and walking will be best way to get
    around-since many blocks will be closed to traffic, don't
    even bother hailing a cab. That is if you can find one!
    I'd suggest no open containers (alcohol) and no
    drugs...these "quality of life" offenses will be what cops
    are looking for.
    In the past, cops have made "grids" in the area around
    Times Square to control the crowd. A couple of cops on
    horse patrol their grid. I've done the Times Square thing
    in years past and the crowd has always been insanely
    jubilant, but generally good spirited.
    The police situation in NY has been strained and dividing.
    A few months ago, while on patrol hunting down a serial
    rapist, an elite undercover force of four officers shot an
    unarmed, innocent black man 41 times in the lobby of his
    apartment building. This, on top of the Louima situation
    (white cops beat a black man in melee outside of a
    nightclub, hauled him in to HQ where one proceeded to
    brutally assault and humiliate him) has intensified
    scrutiny of police and again let racism rear its ugly
    head. Hopefully, justice will prevail. A little
    idealistic, but ya gotta have some hope. There have been
    many protest marches, especially near where I work
    (downtown NY) which is near Police HQ. These protests have
    for the most part, been peaceful. Al Sharpton does try to
    stir up the emotions often, but most just want justice and
    Make sure you have very definite plans re: lodging. Many
    hotels have been booked for years!! Room rates are
    unbelievably inflated. A number of restaurants and lounges
    will (believe it or not) be closed...either they don't want
    to deal with the madness, or they cannot find staff to work
    on New Year's Eve.
    Happy travels!!
    Please don't hesitate to post if you have any questions
    about NYCity. LP TT posters have helped me with my travels
    many times in the past. I'd be glad to return the favor.
    Welcome to NY!

  5. nyer who WILL be there Added by: Claire
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 23:40 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    As a rare Manhattan native, I have always been like the
    above posters - thinking myself too cool to join the
    tourist throngs in Times Square. I have always attended
    private parties etc.
    However, I think that Times Square IS the place to be for
    New Year's 2000. I have talked to others who have done it
    in the past and am slightly turned off by the police
    the police actually close off many side streets and create
    an artificial flow in and out of the square to prevent
    trampling. apparently it can take a few hours just to exit
    the square!
    One thing I have learned from other nyc street events is to
    scope it out a few days before hand, get there early and
    keep your spot - a window sill a few feet above ground
    level, the top of a mailbox, etc. you will be elevated and
    have a seat. if that is not possible bring a plastic milk
    box to stand on. either way bring a friend and choose a
    place near a cheap restaurant with a bathroom.
    one note though - its _really_ fucking cold here in
    January. bring hot toddies, thermal underwear, and bundle

  6. Too cool Claire, Added by: Another NYer
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 6:34 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Unlike you, I do not think that I am "too cool" for Times
    Square. Please do not pass judgement or decide what I
    think. Not right. Not cool.

  7. Dear too-cool-Claire, Added by: Another NYer
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 6:37 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Unlike you, I do not think that I am "too cool" to enjoy
    Times Square on New Years. Just happen to have other plans.
    Please do not decide what I think I am...not right and
    definitely not cool.

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