Victoria, B.C.!!!

This topic was created by Sandra
[Fri 21 May, 9:44 Tasmanian Standard Time]

Hi everyone!!
I was just wondering if anyone has any suggestions on where
to go while in Victoria. I'll want to stay in Victoria for
2 days and then go one of the other islands for 2 days but
I don't know which one to go to???? Do you think Salt
Spring Island is good and worth it or am I missing out on
something better??? I know that I don't have much time
there,....I would like to go the Pacific Rim but I don't
think 2 days is enough time!?? HELP!!! Any suggestions
would be greatly appreciated, I leave in 1 month.
Thanks for your help!

[There are 6 posts - the latest was added on Mon 24 May, 15:19]

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  1. Good plan Added by: KB
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 12:04 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Salt Spring is probably the most built up of the islands, but it also has alot going for it. You could do a bit of shopping if you wanted, or enjoy the view from Mt. Maxwell, go to the ocean or stay by a lake, or maybe even watch the sheep trials. Being so close to Sidney, it's also quick and easy ferry ride. Any of the islands have a nice, slow pace which makes for a relaxing visit. I think you're on the right track.

  2. things to see or do Added by: Damia
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 16:07 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    In Victoria it really depends on what you are into.
    For touristy things i recomend Wax Museum ( Inner Harbour),
    Anne Hathaway's cottage (Lampson St., Esquimalt), the
    Butchart Gdns are very popular and nice (if you are into
    flowers the Horiculture Centre of the PAcific is beautiful
    The Royal BC Museum is offers a wealth of info and some very
    nice displays I would reccomend it to everyone!. They also
    have an IMAX theatre.
    For outdoorsy things: East Sooke Park has some beautiful
    West Coast Secenery and good day/afternoon hikes. The Sooke
    potholes are spectacular (ignore the signs and follow
    where everyone goes), Goldstream park offers a close up lok
    at some Giant Cedars these last three spots you'll need a
    map & car for. If you are from an interior place you can go
    Whale watching and/or see the Undersea Gdns. You can take a
    tour of the Legistlative buildings (free), and have tea @
    the Empress. Oak Bay Ave is a nice spot to check out for
    quaint shops and more affordable tea , upper Fort St. is
    antique-shop row.
    For really neat "tropical" places check out the Crystal Gdns
    and/or Butterfly world. We also have a Bug Zoo in town.
    Hope this helps. post any more Q you have.

  3. Saltspring Island - good Added by: Damia
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 16:09 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Saltspring is a great place to visit, the main town is
    Ganges. *Don't* pass up a drive up Mt. Maxwell - the view is

  4. Do yourself a favour Added by: Coast Boy
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 May, 4:50 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Saltspring is full of yuppies and is nothing more than a suburban nightmare that has been placed on a once lovely island. The people are pretentious wanna-be artists who try to flog off their artwork that has the emotional maturity of a nine-year-old. If you want to be insulted by people who have an over-inflated sense of themselves then go to Saltspring or Paris. Do yourself a favour and visit the other Gulf Islands. Galiano is nice.

  5. juan de fuca trail Added by: glitter (
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 May, 10:41 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    It's too bad you only have a couple of days. Galiano island
    is one of my favourite islands to go to. It is much quieter,
    very beautiful and excellent for biking. I live in Victoria
    and if you only have two days, I'd reccomend not wasting
    your time downtown, an hour will suffice to "get a look" but
    the good stuff the area has to offer are outside of the

  6. more islands Added by: Islander
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 15:19 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Some other islands to think about
    - SaltSpring - most built up with two villages
    - Galiano - long and skinny. One pub, one gasstation mostly
    - Mayne - kinda like a little suburb
    Also think about going to the Sunshine coast if you are
    around Vancouver. Texada island and Sechelt is nice. If you
    have a few more days on Vancouver Island go and see the
    Grey Whales in Tofino and the Killer Whales near Port Hardy.

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