World trip: destinations?

This topic was created by Sandy & Lee
[Sun 23 May, 18:50 Tasmanian Standard Time]

On our one year world ticket, my fiance and I have the
opportunity to stop in 15 cities. We are debating which
ones to choose!. Our choices so far are: (Leaving from
Sydney)NORTH AMERICA: Honolulu/ Los Angeles/ Montreal (for
4 months)/ SOUTH AMERICA: Rio de Janeiro/ Lima or Buenos
Aires or Santa Cruz? / EUROPE: London/ Marseille
(Relatives)/ Lisbon/ Venice/ MIDDLE EAST: Istanbul/ Cairo/
Casablanca/ ASIA: Honk Hong/ Tokyo (working?)/ New
Caledonia (Relatives)/ Sydney (Home). We need to decide
urgently and welcome any suggestions. Ta!.

[There are 5 posts - the latest was added on Wed 26 May, 5:10]

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  1. Western Canada Added by: Chris (
    [Timestamp: Sun 23 May, 21:32 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    In north America you may want to think about doing a trip
    from Vancouver or Calgary into the Mountains. All the
    backpackers that I've met always say that if they'd know
    what it was like out here they would have skipped the east
    in favor of more time here. Montreal is a great party town
    but beyond that there's not much. And this is coming from
    someone who grew up in the area and knows all about it. I
    now however live in the west which is a thousand times
    better, more beautiful and friendlier.
    Have a good trip and if I can be of any help just email me.

  2. suggestions Added by: jim
    [Timestamp: Sun 23 May, 22:44 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    NA Honolulu and Montreal are good choices. I would ope for almost anywhere rather than LA. San Francisco is muchnicer on the coast, and Denver would give you some good "see A,erica" options.
    SA: Rio and Lima would be horrendous choices. Santa Cruz is great, and I might pick Santiago instead of Buenos Aires, to provide more intresting local travel options.
    EUR: Hard to narrow down to just 3 cities---maybe Vienna insrtead of Venice, which disapponts a lot of people (but I liked it)
    ME: You might find Tunis a nicer experience than Casablanca. Cairo is dire, unless you need to see the pyramids. Damascus is a well-kept secret.
    ASIA: How about India? Either bombay or Calcutta, but not the Delhi area. Hong Kong's a good choice, but I think I'd give Tokyo the skip.
    Once you choose your cities, donb't forget to use the internet to try to strike up a friendship with someone with similar interests to your own, that might spend a day or two with you showing you around.

  3. some ideas Added by: rich
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 9:44 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    It would help if we knew what you liked to do/see. Hawaii
    is unique, so I think Honolulu is a good idea, although I
    would get out of Honolulu itself fairly quickly (spend a
    day and see Pearl harbor, Diamond head, and the surefers at
    Waikiki) and go to Kauai (the island that has all the
    things associated with hawaii and less development than
    Maui or Oahu)
    Los Angeles is no where near as interesting as San
    Francisco, although the desert is nice and Hollywood is a
    hoot. San Francisco is better located for Yosemite and
    other intersting national parks and the Pacific coast
    drives are more interesting there than around LA.
    Montreal is nice enough--rather cosmopolitan, but there
    really isn't that much to do and it's not cheap. I'd go to
    New York instead---something for everyone and you can take
    side trips to Boston, DC, Philadelphia (very underrated) or
    to the mountains in upstate New York, Vermont, etc. ,
    although any of these things would require several days.

  4. oh, Added by: Sammy
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 20:27 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Pleez hit up R-J, it is one of the most beautiful places in the world for a city and the nightlife is incredible. Living in Hono right now and must defend the isle of oahu as a great spot if you know where to go. The other islands each offer something different, but if you go to escape tourists, go to molokai or the big isle, because it IS a touristy state.

  5. Don't miss it... Added by: Sylvie
    [Timestamp: Wed 26 May, 5:10 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I'm from Montreal but now live in Calgary. Love Western Canada for sure but I badly miss Montreal! So much to see or do (always a festival or something else going on) so don't skip it. Visit the rockies if you can too I travelled trhough France and got in and out of Marseilles! What a nightmare to drive there! But anywhere around Cannes, Monaco, Montpellier is fantastic! Maui is much nicer than the main island of Hawaii which way to commercial. Maui was the best sunny place I've been. Enjoy your trip.

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