working in the states

This topic was created by Jenstar (
[Fri 30 April, 13:31 Tasmanian Standard Time]

Hi all,
Does anyone have any info on useful tips for finding work
in the states. I plan to work in Houston dec-feb 99-2000
and have no idea..!!!
Please any info would be vaulable.

[There are 7 posts - the latest was added on Thu 6 May, 2:57]

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  1. work in houston Added by: mark (fritz90293)
    [Timestamp: Fri 30 April, 14:24 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Dear JEn,
    I have been to Houston many times & you need a car to
    get around it is like LA that way. The only work you
    can get quickly & make a lot of money is by being a
    stripper. Houston has more strip bars & clubs than any
    place in the US. You probably would make 200-400 dollars
    a nite. Good luck. mark

  2. work Added by: allen
    [Timestamp: Fri 30 April, 14:44 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I live near Houston. What are your skills?

  3. visa? Added by: pilgrim
    [Timestamp: Fri 30 April, 15:39 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Are you from the states or do you have documentation to
    legally work in the country?

  4. try to get work before you arrive Added by: susan
    [Timestamp: Sat 1 May, 10:38 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    For that short period, companies won't be interested in
    sponsoring a work Visa because its about $1000 in filing and
    lawyers' fees. If come over on a tourist visa and you pick
    up work in a deli or small restaurant, be careful because if
    they get raided you'll be thrown out and "black listed" for
    2 years, (if I recall correctly) which means they won't let
    you in to the States for that period of time, even as a
    tourist. Its thus safer to work in a small office or small
    shop, or perhaps as a tutor, where employing illegals is
    less obvious - sorry, "illegals" is the term for it. One
    last piece of advice - it might be a good idea to check on
    the status of your health insurance if you get injured here
    (esp, if you are working with machinery, or driving often)
    because many hospitals won't treat you if you can't show
    proof of health insurance, or ability to pay. Don't mean to
    scare you, its just issues you need to consider before
    jumping into a situation.

  5. stripper?! Added by: dirty old man
    [Timestamp: Sat 1 May, 11:08 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    are you crazy? if you're taking your clothes off you might
    as well go for the Full Monty and start hookin'. That's
    where the big money is, and I guess it can even lead to fame
    and fortune. Look at the Dallas Cowboy cheerleaders.

  6. To strip or not to strip in Houston Added by: Jenstar (
    [Timestamp: Sun 2 May, 10:59 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Thanks to all your cool people who answered me about
    working in the states, aiming to be based in Houston.
    I am from Australia and have had an offer with a company to
    have a student visa for 4 months and they find you work.
    You pay them around $400 australian and they organise
    visa's insurance and also extra help to get you a job. They
    are called I.E.P anyone had any experiences with them? Good
    or bad let me know that would be super!!! They also do work
    Britain and are an australian based company.
    Allan whoever you skills are multiple.Mainly
    working in retail or also i am a trained teacher. My reason
    for going was just to have some money to support myself
    while i visited my bf who lives there..thankyou to all of
    you kind people for thinking of ideas to help me out. You
    uncovered some serious issues i didnt think about.
    All of you who suggested i become a world renowned
    stripper and be the head cheerleader for the cowboys..well
    been there done that sorry got a little boring after a
    while..any other artistic suggestions?
    Well thanks again to you all who helped me out.
    Goodluck on your travels.

  7. teaching in Houston Added by: Doogs
    [Timestamp: Thu 6 May, 2:57 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hi Jestar,
    Try, it is the Houston School System website. Houston is desperate for teachers. You could get a job easily. However, the pay is not so great, you'd make more waiting tables or bartending. Good Luck, Houstoner

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