Green go

This topic was created by Pancho (
[Thu 6 May, 16:26 Tasmanian Standard Time]

Hola Gringos, why you are not bringing burger instead of
bombs to Europe? By the way, what is the visa status of
your solders???
Is it possible to have a "cool" ride in one of your
fighters being on the screens of NBC?
Green go, please..

[There are 8 posts - the latest was added on Thu 20 May, 9:58]

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  1. Hola, Ano Added by: Huh?
    [Timestamp: Thu 6 May, 23:25 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Sorry if trying to prevent mass gang rapes offends you.
    But you'd change your tune in a hurry and come whining
    straight to us if it were happening to your mother, to your
    sister, to your wife, or to your daughter, or to you,
    wouldn't you!

  2. no right! Added by: Marija
    [Timestamp: Fri 7 May, 6:54 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hello everyone!
    I am student from Architectural Faculty, University
    Belgrade, Yugoslavia. I spent great time in Porto Alegre
    by the end of the year
    1997. Some terrible things are happening to me and my
    people (Serbs) and I
    wanted to tell you my side of the story. My people is in
    a very bad position:
    on one side, there is our governement that absolutely
    does not care about
    anything except about how to save their own positions.
    We don't support this
    governement. Belgrade (the capital) did not vote for
    them. Not to mention that
    we are under media blocade for very, very long time, and
    that our ellections
    were never fair. In one word - this governement WAS NOT
    OUR CHOISE. On the
    other side there is USA (NATO forces), which is
    determined to ruin everything
    that stands on its way. Do you really beleive that they
    are concerned about
    human rights and things like that ? The real reason for
    their actions are:
    strategic positions (spreading to the eastern part of
    Europe, and making
    "conflict areas" in the middle of Europe in order to
    retain stronger than
    European Community) as well as economy reasons (spreading
    the market and selling
    the old weapons).
    Did you know that they are bombing us with radioactive
    materials which are
    secondary products of their nuclear industry? Did you
    know, that during the war
    in Bosnia (country next to Yugoslavia), USA bombarded
    this territory and that
    women from this areas have defected babies born today?
    Do you still beilive
    that they are fighting for human rights? We are in
    terrible position. If they
    are fighting only against our governement why are they
    attacking civilians? Do
    we really need this agression? Don't they have any other
    way to persuade our
    president to negotiate? Do we, civilians, have to
    suffer because of wrong
    governement on one side and agressive ways of USA to
    realize their strategic and
    economic goals on the other? We only want to live our
    lives normally. To work,
    have fun, have families, have healthy children. We are
    normal people that is
    very tired of everything that is going on here in the last
    ten years.
    Please, help us, by spreading our side of the story all
    over the world. Tell
    this to your friends in Brasil and in the other countries.
    Anything that you do
    can be helpfull.
    Help us only by thinking. Remember, this can happen to
    any poor nation. World
    should not be a jungle.
    Thank You for Your time. Trully,
    Marija Marjanovic

  3. long live liberal democracy Added by: otan
    [Timestamp: Fri 7 May, 14:34 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    To Marija
    Shame about genocide. I'll spell that - g e n o c i d e.
    Croatia, Bosnia, Kosovo. - where next the Hungarians in
    Northern Serbia ??
    Granted you don't like your government, but was that a good
    enough excuse for the Germans under the Nazi regime ?? And
    please tell me how do you stop a group of people, your
    people, who by their racist and nationalist policies are
    hell-bent on the killing and forceable removal of a group of
    people whom they clearly do not like because they are not
    the same religion or ethnic background - sounds a bit like
    the master race and einstazgruppen to me...
    As for the absurd suggestion that this is some conspiracy to
    take over the world by the US - get real ! Maybe if your
    country stopped treating people (other than serbs of
    course) like it was back in the middle ages, then the
    bombing wouldn't happen. Stop blaming the rest of the world
    for your countries own backward mentality towards other
    And I am not an American either !

  4. Give the US a break Added by: Rob
    [Timestamp: Fri 7 May, 15:03 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    First of all, it's not just US doing the bombing - it's
    NATO. I am not American and I see many things in that
    country that I don't like but at least I would have the
    objectivity to criticize them rationally. The idea that
    they are radioactively poisoning civilians is ridiculous.
    And they are not going after civilians - these are
    accidental bombings, which of course is bad, but in a
    different ballpark alltogether than purposely targetting
    innocent civilians as you accuse. I think your media
    control has fed many lies to your people. Try stting up a
    satellite dish and listening to news coverage of the war
    from some other country's perspective other than Belgrade's
    or US's. I think that if your government and army weren't
    massacreing and raping tens of thousands and expelling
    hundreds of thousands more, the US would have little
    interest in your otherwise insignificant little country.

  5. GREEN GO Added by: Adelita
    [Timestamp: Fri 7 May, 22:39 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Ya ves Pancho lo que pasa con estos pinches gringos. Su
    superego los tiene jodidos creen que tinen en sus manos la
    respuesta correcta para justificar todas sus estupideces (o
    diremos sus pendejadas, Pancho) Hey gingos How come you are
    so moralists in a country where they have slaves until this
    century, you modern culture? police racial-brutality, the
    KKK, the psycosutdents rate raising, etc. etc. ad
    infinitum. Green go and take a look inside your house, and
    please if you go to school don't kill your schoolmates
    STUDY a bit of history, if TV has left you any useful
    neurons. Ni modo Pancho tendremos que esperar a ver que dia
    se acaban de mata entre ellos. No creo que falte mucho.

  6. Que ruda tu eres! Added by: danielle
    [Timestamp: Wed 12 May, 18:35 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    For one, some of us gringos understand spanish, I was in
    mexico on student exchange last year, and what I learned
    was to be accepting of other cultures, recognize the faults
    and good aspects and not to bash them. well, i'm making an
    acception after this rude post. I'll do the honor of
    translating your post, Adelita, for those who couldn't
    grasp how inappropriate it really was. I resent you
    refering to Americans as pinches (fucking) gringos and that
    we have the balls to think we hold the correct response to
    justifying our idiotic actions. I also don't believe the
    end of us will be through killings between us.
    If you are going to make snide remarks to Pancho on an
    english-speaking website, and you both speak english, don't
    do it in spanish. that's plain rude. I'm guessing you're
    from Mexico, guatemala or some latin american country due
    to your use of the derogatory word, gringo. If you want to
    criticize our nation, first look at your own. Your corrupt
    political system full of money laundering, fraudulant
    elections and murder. Or how about the slaughtering and
    suppression of the Indians in chiapas? Not to mention the
    dangers of taxi drivers mugging and robbing their own
    people and the gangs who hijack buses on the highway?
    Don't get me wrong, I love your country, but I can
    recognize the faults of both your country and mine. the
    founders of your country (the spanish) and ours both
    suppressed native people and held slaves. That's beside
    the point, they aren't here and have no influence on
    current government or what our troops are doing about the
    crisis in kosovo. Espero que tu leyas esto, Adelita. Por
    favor, espanol no es un idioma secreta. Si quieres decir
    algo, dilo, especialmente sin el uso de las malas

  7. mierda Added by: another gringo
    [Timestamp: Wed 12 May, 20:30 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    i agree, if you want to say something , say it, especially
    without the use of bad words. and adelita is definitely not
    from spain, they don't even have the words pinches. its so
    tiresome to see these posts, especially when they think we
    can't understand. i wonder if she understands sudacas or
    spics. just to let her know others feel poorly about her

  8. Pig Latin Added by: appyhay
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 9:58 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Could we all agree to write secret posts in Pig Latin, i
    mean igPay atinLay?

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