American observation

This topic was created by World traveller
[Tue 18 May, 14:38 Tasmanian Standard Time]

America is such an amazing place to travel. So many
beautiful National Parks, spectacular cities and wonderful
countryside - it's just a shame it's largely filled with
complete fuck-wits.

[There are 24 posts - the latest was added on Tue 25 May, 16:01]

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  1. Oh my. Added by: Oh Really?
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 15:56 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Oh, does blasting an entire country of people make you
    superior? I gather your rather dour attitude didn't win you
    any friends among the 50 states...
    I hope this means you won't be coming back to the US to
    bother us with such negative drivel.

  2. Yes Added by: bill
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 16:45 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    You're right. The US does get an enourmous number of
    arogant and ignorant travellers such as yourself who are
    far too stupid to realize that the US is like everywhere
    other country in the world: most of the people are
    wonderful, helpful, and kind, but people like you are so
    self-involved and prone to stereotypes that that you let
    the exception become the rule.

  3. Dear Backyard Traveller, Added by: THE fuck-wit
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 3:35 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I was outraged and ashamed after hearing about some of Mr.
    Backyard Traveller's latest modes of thought. Let me
    preface my discussion by quickly reasserting a familiar
    theme of my previous letters: You do not need to be
    foolhardy to know that in this crucial hour and under the
    treachery of our time, I must announce that there is an
    implicit assumption here that these issues are actually
    political issues. I wish dangerous shabby-to-the-core
    junkies had the gumption not to put our liberties at risk
    by a bleeding-heart and uncouth rush to force us to adopt
    rigid social roles that compromise our inner code of
    ethics, and hence, by extension, his assistants lie about
    their antics, and then, when we're all convinced that no
    harm will be done, they understate the negative impact of
    pharisaism. Haughty besotted unilateralism is one of the
    most effective tools of tyranny. It is grossly misleading
    merely to claim that a day without Backyard Traveller would
    be like a day without vicious sensationalism. His epigrams
    constitute one of the many conduits of absolutism in our
    culture. Mr. Backyard Traveller uses nihilism as a hammer
    to forge the depraved opportunists who will replace our
    natural soul with an artificial one eventually. May we
    never forget this if we are to deny Backyard Traveller and
    his backers a chance to dismantle the family unit.

  4. Your Book Added by: Shawn
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 5:22 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hey W.T.
    Having done a few yrs. of traveling myself. I must admit , yes there are some fuck-wits in every country. It just so happens that in the States, some read your book '' I am a Fuck-Wit and Proud of it'', and ''sigh'' , a small minority took it to heart. I look forward to your next publication '' A Fuck-Wits guide to World Tavel'', maybe then we will see some proof that you have really been outside your room.

  5. Ha..Ha.. Added by: W.T.
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 11:27 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I think you have proved my point by your gross, overstated
    defensiveness. Obviously it's well practised!!

  6. WT Added by: Karlo
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 13:01 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Oh, so smooth, WT. Accuse people of being "fuckwits", and
    then accuse them of being gross and defensive when the
    respond. The only possible conclusion is that you're so
    accustomed to being called fuckwit, you don't even realize
    that it's a term used only for the hopelessly brain-dead.
    But of course, you wouldn't realize that, would you.

  7. WT - provide a few examples? Added by: An offended local
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 13:33 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    WT - Instead of all this name-calling, how about supplying 3 concrete examples of the behavior you saw / experienced that warrants (mis-) labeling an entire nation? You bet we're defensive, and proud of it.

  8. offended Added by: cybil
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 14:48 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I am not American, but i am offended that anyone should brand and entire noation "fuck-wits". I think the original posters comments say more about him or her than anything else.

  9. God Bless America Added by: Aussie Sam
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 16:15 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    America, Land of the free. Home of the Fucked up.
    Just look at some of your long winded, self centred
    drivell. I feel so sorry for you all.
    By the way check out "America - Jewel of the Western Crown"
    on the Australian site for even more American cods wallap!!
    Lighten up a little and stop taking yourselves so
    seriously. You'll see we're only taking the piss... not.

  10. You want examples? Added by: WT
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 16:34 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    To the Offended Local - 3 examples which speak for
    themselves, ("only in America")
    1. The Greek System
    2. McDonalds
    3. Don King
    NOW here's 3 easy ones for you... mate.
    1. Capital of Eire?
    2. Highest mountain in Africa?
    3. Dannish currency?

  11. W.T. - Added by: Emily
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 5:23 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    You're a sad, nasty and miserable piece of work. And you're
    boring us all with your ignorance and bigotry.
    Go back to the playground, you pathetic bully, and leave
    this site to people with something good to say about

  12. WT - keep speaking Added by: An offended local
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 11:52 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    WT - What about each of the 3 you list has harmed or distressed you? Sorry -- they don't "speak for themselves" so you need to be a bit more articulate.
    What was the point of your second list.. to indicate you really are a world traveller? Have you been to each of these places? What was wonderful about them, and especially the people there, in comparison to the scenic wonders and disappointing people in the US?

  13. Come back Added by: WT
    [Timestamp: Thu 20 May, 13:36 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    You didn't answer the questions. Why not? Anyway way if
    the abovementioned examples mean nothing to you here's a
    few more specific ones...
    1. The majority of funding of the IRA (a terrorist
    organisation) originates from Irish-Americans.
    2. How can you have a World Series of anything if the rest
    of the world is not involved? eg. baseball is the national
    sport in Japan, and very popular in Australia, Mexico and
    3. The female judge at the Lewis-Holyfield heavyweight
    unification fight who scored Holyfield as the clear winner
    against all public opinion, fellow judges, journalists and
    computer recounting was declared financially bankrupt prior
    to the fight and was "assisted" in her rehabilitation by
    Don King, who manages Holyfield.
    NOW if you want any more friendly Aussie banter to pass the
    time on this site you must not only answer my original 3
    questions but also the following 3. Don't worry about
    looking them up or getting them wrong, I'd just like your
    1. Capital of Australia?
    2. President of the EU?
    3. Prime Minister of France?
    Cheers mate
    Oh, and Emily... why don't you go stick your head up a dead
    bear's arse.

  14. long live the IRA! Added by: irish supporter
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 10:07 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Convenient how you label anything that does not correspond
    to your politics as "terrorist". God bless the IRA. As an
    Irish American, I do not support violent measures but people
    need to have a choice. Brits have been messing with mother
    Ireland for too long. Some of my family had to come to the
    States because the Brits were starving the Irish. And if
    you don't like us sending the IRA money, PISS OFF! Long
    live Ireland! I welcome the Irish with open arms.

  15. WT - why keep changing the topic? Added by: An offended local
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 10:58 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    WT - You didn't answer the question... how have any of the first 3 you mentioned harmed or distressed you personally? On the second 3... 1) What's your source for this info... I seriously doubt the IRA publishes an annual report with their donor list? 2) Who cares? It's all semantics...there's a "Miss Universe" contest which as far as I know has no off-worlders competing. 3) What fraction of the US populations participates or cares about it? One briber, one bribee, 2 fighters. And for this you (mis) label an entire country?

  16. It's been great... Added by: WT
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 11:54 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Wannabe Irishman: you misanthropic mound of soppy llama
    spit - GROW A BRAIN

  17. 10 Added by: Dan from the catskills
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 11:55 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    2.Mt. Kilimanjaro
    I did not look up these answers.Okay what's the capital of
    Tonga without looking and who is the PM of Australia without

  18. OK just for you.. Added by: WT
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 12:04 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Nukualofa, Howard. See #13.

  19. Okay 13........ Added by: Dan from the catskills
    [Timestamp: Fri 21 May, 12:53 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    1.The capital of Australia was Melbourne until about 1927
    but was moved to Canberra-I believe the designer of Canberra
    was an American-Griffith or Griffin?
    3.Jospin.You thought I was going to say the President's name
    Okay-the Maori name for New Zealand and what does it mean?
    What was the original name for Fiji?
    What is Palmyra New York famous for?

  20. what Added by: stop it
    [Timestamp: Sun 23 May, 12:51 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    a mother fucker page this is , its about time everybody
    stop , and cool off it is for travel info not politic shit,
    stupid motherfucker yenks and aussies stop abusing each
    other and you fucken ausies what would you do without the
    yanks. if it was not for them during WW2 you would be eating
    fucken rice you wouldbe JAPANESE and what about today if
    the indos attack your fucken land who is going to save you
    again the YANKS.
    and you fucken YANKS its about time to stand up your feet
    and do not just talk but do something about the situation
    in szerbia. wipe them of from the map ................

  21. Round 2 Catman Added by: WT
    [Timestamp: Mon 24 May, 15:40 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    1. The-land-of-the-long-white-cloud.
    2. It's original Tongan name was Viti
    3. Something to do with the biggest national park in
    NAmerica outside Alaska?
    1. What are the Wicklow Mountains famous for?
    2. Year of the great fire of London?
    3. The All Black's most capped player?
    When you're ready...

  22. Lazy American Concurs WT... Added by: Sara
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 15:09 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Three examples of why I hate America (I average about 10 new reasons per day) that I've come up with since waking late this afternoon in time to catch Oprah who, instead of focusing on Americas new obsession with instant spirituality as she usual does, went straight to our REAL religion...CELEBRITIES!
    1.Paula Abdul (!) announces Madonna will be directing Cher's new video...American population orgasmic with anticipation.
    2.Gallup polls indicate 99% of bitter, overweight housewives support Pam Anderson's decision to remove implants,would vote for Tom Hanks over Bill Clinton in an election,think Will Smith should be in EVERY music video, t.v. show and movie, don't think it's even remotely possible Rosi O'Donnell could be a lesbian, and, oh yes, maybe there is something slightly askew with american culture, what with all the suburban school shootings.
    3.The fact that common knowledge of anything Hollywood has replaced basic math and reading skills. How can the average american student be expected to know anything of world events when he doesn't know who Madeline Albright is or what coast the pacific ocean is on or... Well anyways, probably best not to get started on our lack of intelligence, culture and humor,(or that line dancing craze.) America is like an aging prom queen whos ego increases the more pathetic she becomes and she must be humiliated as frequently as possible! I myself will flee this god forsaken country as soon as I have the funds, but until then will sit on my lazy ass, (surviving on diet coke, marlboros, and hatred for Adam Sandler fans),bitching about the sad state of this country as reported by my favorite news programs, MTV 1515 and Hard Copy. Yes kids, hate can be fun and not everything should be taken to seriously!

  23. Lazy American Concurs WT... Added by: Sara
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 15:10 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Three examples of why I hate America (I average about 10
    new reasons per day) that I've come up with since waking
    late this afternoon in time to catch Oprah who, instead of
    focusing on Americas new obsession with instant
    spirituality as she usual does, went straight to our REAL
    1.Paula Abdul (!) announces Madonna will be directing
    Cher's new video...American population orgasmic with
    2.Gallup polls indicate 99% of bitter, overweight
    housewives support Pam Anderson's decision to remove
    implants,would vote for Tom Hanks over Bill Clinton in an
    election,think Will Smith should be in EVERY music video,
    t.v. show and movie, don't think it's even remotely
    possible Rosi O'Donnell could be a lesbian, and, oh yes,
    maybe there is something slightly askew with american
    culture, what with all the suburban school shootings.

    3.The fact that common knowledge of anything Hollywood has
    replaced basic math and reading skills. How can the average
    american student be expected to know anything of world
    events when he doesn't know who Madeline Albright is or
    what coast the pacific ocean is on or...

    Well anyways, probably best not to get started on our lack
    of intelligence, culture and humor,(or that line dancing
    craze.) America is like an aging prom queen whos ego
    increases the more pathetic she becomes and she must be
    humiliated as frequently as possible! I myself will flee
    this god forsaken country as soon as I have the funds, but
    until then will sit on my lazy ass, (surviving on diet
    coke, marlboros, and hatred for Adam Sandler fans),bitching
    about the sad state of this country as reported by my
    favorite news programs, MTV 1515 and Hard Copy. Yes kids,
    hate can be fun and not everything should be taken to

  24. ... Added by: WT
    [Timestamp: Tue 25 May, 16:01 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I rest my case, and Sara, we should meet!!

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