Surprise Trip

This topic was created by Please Help
[Sun 16 May, 12:26 Tasmanian Standard Time]

I want to surprise my girl friend who lives in Fresno
California with a visit. I am in the Netherlands and don't
know which is the best way for me to get from San Fransico,
where I will fly to, to the city she lives in, Fresno. Are
there planes to Fresno or should I hire a car and drive?
If I hire a car, how far is it to there and will I be ok
driving on the motorways there? Thank you for your help.

[There are 5 posts - the latest was added on Tue 18 May, 5:08]

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  1. train or bus Added by: Rod
    [Timestamp: Sun 16 May, 14:14 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Go Amtrak or Greyhound from SF to Fresno. Both have toll
    free numbers. Amtrak will be more enjoyable. Sometimes
    the train fares are almost half price during the week so
    always ask if it is the cheapest fare. Don't forget to go
    to Yosemite while you are in the area.

  2. SF to Fresno Added by:
    [Timestamp: Sun 16 May, 16:37 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    You can buy a plane ticket from United Airlines or American
    Airlines' shuttle services. Bus or train is at least 3
    hours, but a plane ride will be about 40 minutes.

  3. Amtrak best bet Added by: William Miller (
    [Timestamp: Sun 16 May, 18:02 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I think your best bet is the Amtrak train (
    The trip will cost you about $20 US and will be about 3hrs.
    The above site will give you fares and schedules. You will
    probably have to take a bus from the airport to the train
    station. Once in Fresno, you will be about 6 miles from the
    University (in case your girlfriend goes there). From the
    Fresno depot, a taxi cab is the best bet.
    If you hire a car in S.F., it will cost you probably $40/day
    US. FYI gas costs $1.50 on average per gallon here in
    California, and you'll be drivibg approximately 180 miles.

  4. Rent a Car Added by: Tex
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 3:36 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Depending on how long you'll be there, you might look into
    renting a car. It's not as expensive here as it is in
    Europe (it's still not cheap, though). You won't have any
    trouble driving, the roads are really well marked and most
    of the trip would be on major interstate anyway.

  5. Fresno Added by: Elliott Moore (
    [Timestamp: Tue 18 May, 5:08 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    My ancestral homestead is a ranch near Fresno, where I return
    often. Fresno airport is a pleasant small field, served by
    short field jets, but also known as one of the highest cost
    per mile airports in the U.S. - not much competition. If price
    is no object, it is more convenient to take a plane from San
    Francisco to Fresno - then a taxi to surprise your girlfriend.
    Amtrak is an alternative, altho S.F. does not have an Amtrak
    terminal, Oakland does. You have long rides in S.F. from
    airport to Amtrak terminal, and another long ride from the
    Amtrak terminal in Fresno into the main city; these will just about eat up any economies from taking Amtrak between, usually. Hope this helps. Elliott Moore

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