Youth Hostels in N.East USA and Canada?

This topic was created by TJ (
[Thu 13 May, 2:38 Tasmanian Standard Time]

I will be taking a small road-trip in the middle of the
summer to such places as:
New Jersey
New York (city and state)
and Possibly Montreal and/or Quebec City in Canada.
I was wondering if anybody has knowledge of some really
great Youth Hostels that are safe and have an excellent
atmosphere to them in any of these areas?
If you can give me any detailed information, or even
not-so-detailed but at least a name, and maybe part of the
city the hostel is in I would appreciate it a lot!
Please email me ALL correspondences as I will not be able to
check the lonely planet responses. Thank you!

[There are 1 posts - the latest was added on Thu 13 May, 17:04]

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  1. Excellent hostel near Ottawa Added by: Peter Bryan (oldpot@hotmail)
    [Timestamp: Thu 13 May, 17:04 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    The best Hostelling International hostel in Eastern Canada
    may be Carman Trails - e-mail:
    telephone 809 459 3180
    25km (16 miles) North of Ottawa, Carman Trails offers bunk accommodation in a peaceful location with beautiful scenery, good food, good music (folk), canoes for lakes in Gatineau Park where there is also 270 kms of hiking trails

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