The Shipping News

This topic was created by Sally
[Wed 5 May, 22:06 Tasmanian Standard Time]

Has anyone here read The Shipping News? Care to discuss it?

Anyone have knwledge of life in Newfoundland? How evocative is The Shipping News?

[There are 3 posts - the latest was added on Thu 6 May, 13:01]

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  1. Newfie visitor Added by: Peter Bryan (
    [Timestamp: Thu 6 May, 4:36 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Annie Proulx's book seemed very authentic to me. I have visited Newfoundland several times both on business and for holidays (vacations to N. Americans). When Newfoundland became part of Canada in 1949, the Provencial Government under Joey Smallwood pressured people to leave the outports - communities with no road access to services such as schools and medical. This left rhe ghost towns about which Proulx writes. There are still many people alive who still remember the times of direct rule from London after Newfoundland ran into financial difficulties in the 1930s recession. The 1949 vote to join Canada was very divisive and Union Jacks are still seen flying in parts of Newfoundland. My experience of Newfoundland is that the people are friendly, the scenery is spectacular but the food in restaurents outside of St. Johns is poor.
    Go there and enjoy the people and the scenery

  2. I've read it Added by: jon
    [Timestamp: Thu 6 May, 11:11 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I knew nothing about Newfoundland before I read The
    Shipping News (I live in Australia) but now I'd love to go
    there. As for the book, it was a bit like watching a very
    long episode of Northern Exposure. You know, distant
    locations, quirky local yokels etc. I'd love to hear what
    a real Newfie thought of it.

  3. Thanks Peter and Jon Added by: Sally
    [Timestamp: Thu 6 May, 13:01 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    For the information, thanks Peter, and Jon, it provoked the
    same reaction in me! The icebergs are a particular

    BTW, I started a discussion on the same topic on the 'Your
    Choice' thread of the Thorn Tree, so you might like to go
    over there and see what some others said (misspelled 'The
    Shipoping News' !)

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