How to bring $ to IRAN

This topic was created by Frederik Waage (
[Sat 22 May, 1:41 Tasmanian Standard Time]

I am leving for Iran in two weeks, and I would be very happy
if somebody could give me some advice on this
financial questions:
1) How should I bring my money along? (for a 30-day trip) I
have heard that the exchange of travellers cheques are
unfavorable for the traveller - cash exchange is much
cheaper. However, what about the security (it is not nice to
walk around with more than 1000 dollars in cash in a
pocket on your stomach all the time).

[There are 5 posts - the latest was added on Sun 23 May, 16:06]

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  1. safe.. Added by: Chuckles
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 May, 2:41 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I agree, I felt the same way. I distributed the money in
    several places, with the biggest bills in an 'ankle wallet',
    but Iran is very safe and I could probably have kept all the
    money in my back pocket. There are occasional reports of
    people being pulled up by fake policemen and accused of
    something and asked to show their money. Don't do it; real
    policemen do not hassle tourists on the street. Insist on
    going to the police station for further questioning, and
    solicit help from passers-by if possible. Anyway these
    incidents are rare, and force is practically unheard of.
    Remember to take only undamaged 'new design' bills (the
    Presidential face is large and off-center).

  2. money in Iran Added by: Bilqis
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 May, 6:51 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Yes Iran is very safe but in the last year there was a new
    fashion which consists in two guys on a motorcycle
    snatching tourists' rucksacks. So keep your money and
    passeport on you.
    Concerning money and change, 100 usd bills from after 1990
    are preferable (but that's a rule for all the middle east
    The best spots to change money officially on black market
    rates (!) are the exchange offices in Ispahan and Shiraz.

  3. best spots to change money Added by: Alpha Omega
    [Timestamp: Sat 22 May, 13:47 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Actually, the best spot to change money is around Ferdosi
    square in tehran, right on the street. But while it's safe,
    you'll get a lower rate if you don't know what the market
    rate should be. There are a couple of exchange offices just
    N of the square now, which gets you off the street in
    exchange for a slightly lower rate with no bargaining.

  4. thanks Added by: Frederik Waage (
    [Timestamp: Sun 23 May, 10:03 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hello there!
    Thank you for answering my question!

  5. Exchange Rates Added by: Rarehipster
    [Timestamp: Sun 23 May, 16:06 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Yep, Ferdosi Sq is the place to do it. But try do it in
    someones office not the street. There will be that choice,
    just make it clear this is what you want. Current rate as
    of 20 May is 8000Rials or 800 Tuman as it is now called
    (note that!)for 0ne American dollar.
    You are gonna love Iran!!!!!
    P.s I spent US$350 in a month and I was flying aroung eating
    well etc

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