Babies with backpacks!

This topic was created by em (
[Tue 30 March, 23:13 Tasmanian Standard Time]

I am currently writing a magazine for adventurous young
mothers and one of my features is on travelling with your
children. I would love to hear about any positive
experiences that you have had whilst travelling world wide
with your kids.
Any information would be greatly appreciated, as i would
like to write a positive, empowering piece that will be

[There are 2 posts - the latest was added on Tue 13 April, 13:25]

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  1. Twice! Added by: Nathan (
    [Timestamp: Tue 6 April, 21:54 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    We've backpacked twice with our kid.
    A three month tracking exp, when our kid was 9-12 months.
    Three weeks tramping Japan.
    If you want info - let us know.

  2. a breeze so far Added by: fra (
    [Timestamp: Tue 13 April, 13:25 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    It's been a breeze so far, travel with a three-year-old and
    I think one thing to remember with kids that young is they
    don't really realise the strangeness, just revel in the
    difference. Examples: if a kid likes rice, eating Mexican
    rice in Mexico is just fun. A kid doesn't know how long 12
    hours is so the nightmare 12-hour flight just has to be
    divided up into activity segments -- you work it out in
    advnce. Not too much fussing, just a circular round of
    colouring, book-reading, eating an exciting meal
    (unwrapping all the various bits), playing with the sets of
    cheap new tiny toys you have brought along, a nap and then
    back to the beginning of the routine...Even airports are
    fun with kids (at that age anyway). You can watch planes,
    look at the various airport trucks and things, shop for a
    cheap and silly toy, have a treat snack meal...Well the
    list goes on -- but kids are much more ready to travel than
    one might think. We've been to England, France, Greece,
    Mexico. He wants to go to Brazil now, having learned where
    it is! Have fun with your efforts to get kids on the move
    and out of the "kid-oriented" places which don't sound much

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