
This topic was created by peter (
[Tue 16 March, 0:52 Tasmanian Standard Time]

anything to say about travelling with a 2-year blondheaded
boy in oktober to februar ?

[There are 6 posts - the latest was added on Thu 25 March, 9:05]

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  1. Sonnencreme! Added by: andrea (
    [Timestamp: Tue 16 March, 2:17 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Falls du an unseren Reiseerfahrungen Interesse hast - zwar
    nicht Argentinien, aber halb Asien mit 1 1/2 jΣhrigem Zwerg-
    kannst du gerne schreiben!

  2. dumb blond joke Added by: susan
    [Timestamp: Wed 17 March, 14:28 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Other than him having weaker coloring thus needing
    protection from the sun, what is the significance of his
    being blond?

  3. re: dumb blond joke Added by: peter (
    [Timestamp: Sun 21 March, 10:12 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    >Other than him having weaker coloring thus needing
    >protection from the sun, what is the significance of his
    >being blond?
    maybe you┤ve recognized that in foreign countries some
    people get cracy for blond babies (which really can get
    disturbing if anyone wants to touch and get a hair) cause
    they dont see it very often.
    I dont think that this is a problem in argentina (and is not
    a big problem in other countries) but I just thought I write
    it as additional information.
    sorry if my dumb posting offend your tender sense.

  4. dumb blond Added by: susan
    [Timestamp: Mon 22 March, 13:50 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    don't worry there is a large German community--they all hid
    there after the war. You will be in good company.

  5. Not so dumb... Added by: Ceilidh
    [Timestamp: Wed 24 March, 13:21 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    When my boyfriend who is about 6" tall and (at the time) had long blond hair travelled to Japan, he had attracted lots of attention and teenage girls asked to have their picture taken with him. When my cousin and I were in southern Italy as teenagers, she got about ten times more harassment than I did - she's blond & blue-eyed, while I'm a brunette.
    I just wanted to back Peter up - blond hair can attract attention in a country where it's unusual.

  6. to susan Added by: peter
    [Timestamp: Thu 25 March, 9:05 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    oh, how funny ;)
    all german hid their after the war so I┤ll be in good
    sorry, I forgot the susan-truth: ALL germans and ALL
    austrians and ALL blondhairs support the evil.
    If you REALLY like to discuss this topic to me please feel
    free to contact me :
    otherwise just sit down for five minutes and think about
    your second posting (hey, its really stupid, isnt it ! -
    world isnt that simple.)

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