italy and kids

This topic was created by sandy (
[Sat 27 Feb, 17:07 Tasmanian Standard Time]

We are going to Italy with our 10, 13,&14 year old this
summer. Ideas for good places and activities for them?
Beaches and lakes that they would like, good towns to base
ourselves in for day trips that would allow them a bit of
independence (i.e. walk around town without an adult). Where
they could have access to other kids? Thanks, Sandy

[There are 3 posts - the latest was added on Mon 29 March, 2:34]

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  1. Italy with teens Added by: Rosalind (
    [Timestamp: Fri 12 March, 10:29 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Try hotel Britannia in Sorrento ; has an appartment for 5 with balcony for sunbathing. Can walk into Sorrento centre,safely; theres bowling (ask hotel for help); can take local bus from outside hotel to beaches nearby with safe swimming; boat trips for fishing; rail links to ancient sites such as Pompeii; also hydrofoil links to Naples and the island of Capri at walking distance/short busride from hotel. I've taken teenagers to Florence and Sienna area as well as to Scilly and will shortly be going to Calabria. E-mail me If You'd like to know more! Have a good trip.

  2. Italy with teens Added by: Rosalind (
    [Timestamp: Fri 12 March, 10:30 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Try hotel Britannia in Sorrento ; has an appartment for 5 with balcony for sunbathing. Can walk into Sorrento centre,safely; theres bowling (ask hotel for help); can take local bus from outside hotel to beaches nearby with safe swimming; boat trips for fishing; rail links to ancient sites such as Pompeii; also hydrofoil links to Naples and the island of Capri at walking distance/short busride from hotel. I've taken teenagers to Florence and Sienna area as well as to Scilly and will shortly be going to Calabria. E-mail me If You'd like to know more! Have a good trip.

  3. Europe with teens Added by: patty (
    [Timestamp: Mon 29 March, 2:34 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Wow, I thought I was writing your letter, as you have
    almost the same info need as I. I will be in Hungary with 2
    17yr old guys and 14 and 12 year old daughters. We plan to
    do some travelling outside Hungary (we did this last summer
    too) and Italy is closeby and also a fun place. The only
    place we went in Italy was to Eraclea Mare, a beach town
    not far from Venice. We had a simple, but sufficient
    apartment, that was reasonably priced. We spent everyday
    basically sunning and swimming, and every evening joining
    the rest of the tourists (European- no American tourists
    here)strolling the streets, eating late dinner, renting
    pedal carts, etc. Though I could not let my daughters
    (blond and beautiful) go exploring alone, I felt
    comfortable with the kids going in a group. We took a fun
    daytrip to Venice (booked through a travel headquarters in
    the center of town-- also the apartment booking agency). I
    would like to find out more about various monasteries and
    convents throughout Italy that provide rooms for
    travellers. Also any of the hostels that provide family
    accomodations. Like you, I would like to stay outside of
    the big citites and take advantage of the public
    transportation for day trips to the interior. I will
    continue to watch your postings and take advantage of your
    responses. And I hope that you might share any good info
    with me. Perhaps we should check with folks who take
    student groups on educational tours to find out where they
    play and stay. As you know, kids the ages of ours do need
    to have both peer companionship and independence. The
    Internationnal youth hostel assoc. has come out with a new
    guiebook that is billed as more informative. Hopefully it
    will have better info on family accomodations so we can
    zero in on those. Also, I just found out about a book
    called Take You Kids To Europe, 3rd ed, (ISBN #0-7627-0127-
    7, $16.95, 1-800-243-0495) that might prove valuable. Good
    luck, and safe travel.

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