trekking with children in Austria

This topic was created by Kalle Esbo (
[Fri 26 Feb, 23:09 Tasmanian Standard Time]

We have been thinking of going trekking in Austria this summer. We have a 11 months old daughter. We are not planning to stay in tent, but would like to stay in some cheap hotell or pension in the mountains and go for day-trips. Does anyone have any information about where to go and what it could cost? Thanks a lot.

[There are 10 posts - the latest was added on Tue 23 March, 23:33]

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  1. The Hills are alive..... Added by: Julie Andrews
    [Timestamp: Sun 28 Feb, 23:25 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    You must get out the "Sound of Music" video and sit
    down to watch it. Ask the Austrian Tourist Bureau where it
    was filmed - or wait for the credits at the end of the video
    and go there. I believe there are some tours that actually
    take you to scenes from the movie.I think your 1 yrs old
    will be too young to ever remember it tho. Never mind!

  2. The Hills are alive..... Added by: Julie Andrews
    [Timestamp: Sun 28 Feb, 23:25 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    You must get out the "Sound of Music" video and sit
    down to watch it. Ask the Austrian Tourist Bureau where it
    was filmed - or wait for the credits at the end of the video
    and go there. I believe there are some tours that actually
    take you to scenes from the movie.I think your 1 yrs old
    will be too young to ever remember it tho. Never mind!

  3. The Hills are alive..... Added by: Julie Andrews
    [Timestamp: Sun 28 Feb, 23:25 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    You must get out the "Sound of Music" video and sit
    down to watch it. Ask the Austrian Tourist Bureau where it
    was filmed - or wait for the credits at the end of the video
    and go there. I believe there are some tours that actually
    take you to scenes from the movie.I think your 1 yrs old
    will be too young to ever remember it tho. Never mind!

  4. re: trekking in austria Added by: peter (
    [Timestamp: Tue 16 March, 0:34 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I live in austria and has been trekking very often.
    first: there are a lot of marked trails in the mountains
    with accomodations on the way. the trails and the
    accomodations are hosted by the so called "alpenverein" and
    members get some discount. one night in a sleepingroom (for
    10 to 50 people with smelling feet ;) is about 8$ for
    members. one night in a double-bed-room is about 15$. I
    guess with your daughter you need a room for your ownand so
    you better take a reservation before.
    remember : this accomodations are very simple. most even
    dont have a shower.
    second : the austrian mountains are REAL mountains. so it
    can be dangarous. a lot of people get in troubles every
    year. most because people overrate their condition and
    underrate the height and the sun and the wind and the cold
    and the weather.
    TAKE enogh time, enough to drink, enough sun-lotion
    (protectionfactor 20 to 40), enough to eat (and
    dectrose-drops) and take good shoes and warm clothes and
    good protection against wind and rain.
    third : you┤ll need a good backpack where you can carry your
    doughter. I use a kind of backpack with metal tubes and a
    bigh bellystrap where I can put in my 16year old boy -
    14kilograms ;-( - and also some other stuff like drinking
    the end, where to go:
    how long will you go ?
    If you want to go real mountaining you can go to "tirol" and
    take a peace of the "karnischer h÷henweg" that follows the
    border beetween austria and italy. its very beautiful but
    you have pure walkingtimes from 6 to 8 hours per day !!
    another very nice place is the "schladminger tauern"
    but there are short pieces of the trail where you have to do
    some kind of "climbing" (secured with steelropes).
    you┤ll find such things often in the mountains. no problem
    if you are not afraid of the height. BIG problem if you are.
    have fun

  5. re: trekking in austria Added by: peter (
    [Timestamp: Tue 16 March, 0:35 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I live in austria and has been trekking very often.
    first: there are a lot of marked trails in the mountains
    with accomodations on the way. the trails and the
    accomodations are hosted by the so called "alpenverein" and
    members get some discount. one night in a sleepingroom (for
    10 to 50 people with smelling feet ;) is about 8$ for
    members. one night in a double-bed-room is about 15$. I
    guess with your daughter you need a room for your ownand so
    you better take a reservation before.
    remember : this accomodations are very simple. most even
    dont have a shower.
    second : the austrian mountains are REAL mountains. so it
    can be dangarous. a lot of people get in troubles every
    year. most because people overrate their condition and
    underrate the height and the sun and the wind and the cold
    and the weather.
    TAKE enogh time, enough to drink, enough sun-lotion
    (protectionfactor 20 to 40), enough to eat (and
    dectrose-drops) and take good shoes and warm clothes and
    good protection against wind and rain.
    third : you┤ll need a good backpack where you can carry your
    doughter. I use a kind of backpack with metal tubes and a
    bigh bellystrap where I can put in my 16year old boy -
    14kilograms ;-( - and also some other stuff like drinking
    the end, where to go:
    how long will you go ?
    If you want to go real mountaining you can go to "tirol" and
    take a peace of the "karnischer h÷henweg" that follows the
    border beetween austria and italy. its very beautiful but
    you have pure walkingtimes from 6 to 8 hours per day !!
    another very nice place is the "schladminger tauern"
    but there are short pieces of the trail where you have to do
    some kind of "climbing" (secured with steelropes).
    you┤ll find such things often in the mountains. no problem
    if you are not afraid of the height. BIG problem if you are.
    have fun

  6. accomodation Added by: andrea (
    [Timestamp: Fri 19 March, 18:50 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    For accomodation try:
    . (that┤s about a whole valley
    in carinthia specialized in baby hotels and baby activities)
    or write to the tourist office of the region where you want
    to go to: Fremdenverkehrsbuero = tourist office , plus the
    name of the city/village
    Good luck

  7. Upper Austria Added by: Heidi Bammer (
    [Timestamp: Tue 23 March, 20:23 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Dear Kalle,
    Hi! My name is Heidi Bammer and I just happen to run a hostel called the Treehouse Backpacker Hotel, here in Austria. I also have two children ages 3 and 5 and you are more then welcome to come and stay with us. Our hostel is in a small village in Upper Austria called Gruenau. We are an hour from Salzburg (where yes you can do the sound of music tour. My Australian friend is a tourguide for it!) and about 2 hours from Vienna.
    We have bikes here at the house and we are across the street from a nice little skifield which has great hiking in summer. There are also a few huts to hike to around here one of which is called the Welser Huette.
    If you like me to send you more information please write me at or call or fax us. Ph. 43 7616 8499 Fax 43 7616 8599
    you can also find Gruenau on the website:
    All the best and have a great trip!

  8. Upper Austria Added by: Heidi Bammer (
    [Timestamp: Tue 23 March, 20:24 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Dear Kalle,
    Hi! My name is Heidi Bammer and I just happen to run a hostel called the Treehouse Backpacker Hotel, here in Austria. I also have two children ages 3 and 5 and you are more then welcome to come and stay with us. Our hostel is in a small village in Upper Austria called Gruenau. We are an hour from Salzburg (where yes you can do the sound of music tour. My Australian friend is a tourguide for it!) and about 2 hours from Vienna.
    We have bikes here at the house and we are across the street from a nice little skifield which has great hiking in summer. There are also a few huts to hike to around here one of which is called the Welser Huette.
    If you like me to send you more information please write me at or call or fax us. Ph. 43 7616 8499 Fax 43 7616 8599
    you can also find Gruenau on the website:
    All the best and have a great trip!

  9. Upper Austria Added by: Heidi Bammer (
    [Timestamp: Tue 23 March, 20:25 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Dear Kalle,
    Hi! My name is Heidi Bammer and I just happen to run a hostel called the Treehouse Backpacker Hotel, here in Austria. I also have two children ages 3 and 5 and you are more then welcome to come and stay with us. Our hostel is in a small village in Upper Austria called Gruenau. We are an hour from Salzburg (where yes you can do the sound of music tour. My Australian friend is a tourguide for it!) and about 2 hours from Vienna.
    We have bikes here at the house and we are across the street from a nice little skifield which has great hiking in summer. There are also a few huts to hike to around here one of which is called the Welser Huette.
    If you like me to send you more information please write me at or call or fax us. Ph. 43 7616 8499 Fax 43 7616 8599
    you can also find Gruenau on the website:
    All the best and have a great trip!

  10. I have a hostel! Added by: Heidi Bammer (
    [Timestamp: Tue 23 March, 23:33 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Dear Kalle,
    I happen to run a backpacker hotel called the Treehouse. I also have two little boys ages 3 & 5, so if you wanted to come and stay with us you would fit right in.
    We are located in a small village in Upper Austria called Gruenau. Gruenau is between Salzburg and Vienna, so day trips to the two cities are also options.
    Our house is across the street from a ski field you can hike on and just a few km from the Toten Gebirge "The Dead Mountains" There is a nice little hut to hike to called the Welser Huette and we also have bikes here at the house and I still have a babyseat on mine. Since we also have small children our house is very kid friendly. If you would like more information please write or call anytime.
    All the best,
    Heidi Bammer
    Ph: 43 7616 8499
    Fax: 43 7616 8599

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