England info. needed

This topic was created by Ab
[Sat 20 Feb, 14:35 Tasmanian Standard Time]

I'm a sixth grader from Alaska and I'm doing a MAJOR
report on England but I don't have enough information. I
would really appreciate some info. If someone could give me
some kind of information on the culture, climate and
languages, besides English, I would really like that.
Thank you so much!

[There are 3 posts - the latest was added on Sat 20 March, 11:49]

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  1. England trip Added by: Elise (michelle@threeringlimo.com)
    [Timestamp: Tue 23 Feb, 11:59 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I will be visiting London in March. I am 11yrs old. I can
    write you back with a kids point of view if you would like?
    My mom and dad are taking me to Switzerland (Lake Geneva
    and Zurich) then to Paris, France and then to London
    England! I am very excited and I have a friend that lives
    in England ! Hope you get the info you need? By the way
    whats it like in Alaska?
    Elise Tager

  2. England trip Added by: Elise (michelle@threeringlimo.com)
    [Timestamp: Tue 23 Feb, 11:59 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I will be visiting London in March. I am 11yrs old. I can
    write you back with a kids point of view if you would like?
    My mom and dad are taking me to Switzerland (Lake Geneva
    and Zurich) then to Paris, France and then to London
    England! I am very excited and I have a friend that lives
    in England ! Hope you get the info you need? By the way
    whats it like in Alaska?
    Elise Tager

  3. ENGLAND info from an english person Added by: helen
    [Timestamp: Sat 20 March, 11:49 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    I lived in England for many years before moving to
    you can pick up a lot of useful information by typing
    England into your search engine and click on things you
    think might interest you.
    However if you want a locals opinion England is a very green
    Island in the Northern Hemisphere.
    It has farms and cities and urban area like Americia but the
    country itself is much older.
    It is very friendly to kids and the main language is english
    although some schools teach french and german as a second
    Also as Some of The people derived from the celtic
    Norman civillisation and some parts of the united kingdom
    speak in gaelic (ireland,Wales,scotland)
    The winter is Dec Jan Feb the lowest temp is around -14Ff
    The culture is very simillar to Amercian Culture in relation
    to religion ,family values, democratic government etc
    Yet very different in relation to how the people view
    themselves in relation to the world.
    But if you ask me all kids around the world are very
    simillar and they have a culture of their own, friendly,
    happy , adventure loving..
    England has a very old history and has castles all over the
    (It has lots of legends about heroes and dragons etc)
    In 1066 William the conqueror (A KING) came from france
    with his Norman Knights and started what was is today the
    English Royal family.
    In particular you would probably like the tower of london
    and the House of parliment as they are old and spooky and
    have a very interesting history.
    You can gets lots of specific information from Encyclopedia
    Brtanica which will give you Demographic information
    You can search for the tower of london and The royal
    family at their home page for the spooky stuff about castles
    But all in all the people are friendly and culturally
    simillar in many ways to your self
    Good luck with your homework
    from Helen in Australia
    You can

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