Scotland with kids

This topic was created by Nancy (
[Mon 1 Feb, 10:09 Tasmanian Standard Time]

I am a single mother traveling to Scotland this summer with my two children (ages 9 and 12). Was wondering how local culture tends to deal with single parents (especially when looking for accomadations, etc.). Also, I have not been able to find a lot of ready material dealing with travel with children (especially those that are the age of my own). I would also like to find something interesting for them to read to familiarize them with the country.
I am also thinking of renting a car (but don't have a credit card) or buying. Any advice?

[There are 2 posts - the latest was added on Mon 22 Feb, 8:03]

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  1. Single.. Added by: Brigitte (n/a)
    [Timestamp: Sat 20 Feb, 3:24 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hello, from living in the UK I can say that we Brits and
    the Scots are probably very used to single parents; as such
    I wouldn't think (or sincerely hope) that you would
    experience too much problem or prejudice travelling alone
    with your kids. Your kids should find Scotland and it's
    culture, countryside and towns interesting, and though I am
    not greatly familiar with the country, there should be a
    fair amount that you can do with them, ie; museums,
    walking, beaches, horse-riding, cycling, go-karting, etc,
    etc. With regards to a car, there are loads of hire car
    places, and many will probably be happy to hire a vehicle
    if you pay cash in advance and give them a cheque as a
    deposit. Cheap vehicles can be purchased from auctions and
    private vendors, but no-one can guarantee the realibility
    of these cars, and you don't want to be stuck out in the
    middle of the Scottish countryside in broken down car!
    Libraries and the Scottish Tourist Board will be able to
    supply information about the areas you wish to stay in,
    including details of accommodation, eateries, entertainment
    and local history. Have a good time.

  2. kids Added by: Susan (
    [Timestamp: Mon 22 Feb, 8:03 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    We travelled in Europe with kids in '97 and used a book
    called "Taking Your Kids to Europe" by Cynthia W.
    Harriman. It is recommended by Rick Steves (Europe Through
    the Back Door). All of his recommendations were useful
    also. Have a great trip.

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