Baby Backpack 2

This topic was created by Martin
[Fri 29 Jan, 17:00 Tasmanian Standard Time]

Hi everybody
Thanks for the messages to my first query.
I've narrowed down the choice to:
Madden Mountaineering (Caravan)
Kelty (Explorer)
MacPac (Possum)
Yet, it's impossible to find ANY child carriers here in
Japan so I'd have to order them thru the net. Before I do
that, however, I'd like to hear from people who've been
using the above and about their experiences (pro / con),
Thank you so much

[There are 3 posts - the latest was added on Sun 21 March, 23:43]

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  1. Thumbs Up Added by: Gemma
    [Timestamp: Sat 30 Jan, 1:57 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hi, I'm Gemma and I'm 2.5 years old. I decided that, just because my parents had a child they were not going to quit walking and travelling! So, first I got them a 'Wilkinet', a fantastically comfortable babysling from the UK. That did 8 months with lots of UK mountains, etc. Then I chose the Macpac Possum. It's been great. If your parents are used to backpacking then they can porter you anywhere. Did lots of trails in the Adirondacks, New York. Then, aged 2 years I spent 6 weeks travelling in Bolivia. Great around crowded towns and even managed a 2-day mountain trek. It's well made - stitching and fabric. Adjustable and comfy for my parents - just like a good rucksac. Harness straps me in securely, too. At 2.75 years, I'm too heavy for Mum but I reckon Dad will just about manage til 3 and a bit. But heck, only for short rides 'cos now I wanna walk! Any gripes? When I was small and fell asleep, my parents would lower the seat. I sank down and had plenty to rest my head on. Now, I'm bigger I need a cushion or something to stop my head rolling. But that's OK. If the back compartment zip seems too stiff try loosening the backpac's side tension straps. Have fun!

  2. Macpac Possum Added by: Pam & Dave (
    [Timestamp: Thu 4 Feb, 23:34 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    We too can recommend Macpac Possum. We bought one in 1996, and a second one in 1998. While kid(s) was small we used it daily while cleaning house, still use it to carry our youngest when going shopping etc, much better than pram in confined spaces. Used them both in 1998 during 3 month trip to Central Asia. Both kids are comfortable and sleep well in them. Neither backpack is showing any signs of fallng apart. A couple of (minor?) downpoints: The size of the main zipper (teeth gauge, etc) is too small, making it less easy to open a full pack. Hasn't broken, though. Also the 1998 backpack has a larger internal frame that allows less storage than the earlier model, and is not quite as stable, though we were still able to use it as a free-standing seat (or high-chair) if resting against a wall. The earlier model was very well balanced and has never looked like falling over with the kid in it. Our 3 year old is slightly less comfortable in the newer model as it seems to be a little tight around her legs. Overall though they have been great. A motorised version would be good.

  3. Macpac Possum Added by: Vanessa
    [Timestamp: Sun 21 March, 23:43 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    We've sold ours now to a frind as our boy is 4 1/2 and much
    too heavy. We used it regularly in the bush and around town
    for almost three years and it was great. He was in it very
    early before he could sit properly because of reflux, & at 5
    months on a bush base camp & long day walk on rough and no
    tracks we just kept him low down (seat low) and strapped in.
    He was never concerned when in it, we cross country skied
    just a little when the snow was not accessible for the sled
    and he slept often and well in it.
    I used the waist strap or chest harness to tie it to chair &
    table legs when out for a sanity saving cappucino, and we
    tied it to a tree branch in the snow while he slept & we
    ski-patrol trained and it snowed heavily with a parka rigged
    over it.
    Just telling you all this makes me realise we did do a lot,
    and its harder to be so flexible now because he wants to do
    it himself (but can't/won't walk/ski so far) and is clearer
    about his preferences - and he's not yet five so there's
    more ahead I believe.
    We had the model with the adjustable adult harness system,
    which the first 'Possum' did not (I think that's now called
    the Koala). With a height difference of 8" (20cm) between me
    & husband, we needed and used the harness adjustment every
    time we wore it because it did make a difference. It became
    more noticeable as Hugh (child) got heavier too.
    The storage space was only just enough for long day walks, I
    did a club trip of just me & Hugh and could only just fit in
    what I needed to carry for the day. When we both went with H
    we had another back for carrying our needs. I couldn't use
    it alone to do the market shopping because the capacity
    wasn't enough and I couldn't reach around to put stuff in, I
    had to take it off. But with both of us at the market it was
    great, & H loved being up high and not among the adults legs
    - he could see so much! If we still owned it he would still
    ask to go in it, he remembers it with pleasure and was sad
    when we passed it on.

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