Car hire and children in Bali

This topic was created by kathy (
[Mon 26 April, 23:14 Tasmanian Standard Time]

Has anyone managed to find car hire with childrens seats in Bali? Did anyone manage to buy a car seat ? If not how do you manage to get around with a 10month baby? Help

[There are 3 posts - the latest was added on Thu 13 May, 3:02]

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  1. Baby Car seats Added by: Glen (
    [Timestamp: Tue 27 April, 17:56 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Hi Kathy,
    We took our 11 month old there a year ago. We brought a
    baby car seat with us. However, we found it extremly
    difficult to find a car that had seat belts that were
    useable with baby seats. In the end we almost had to tie
    the baby seat down. The locals all thought we were
    crazy worrying so much. Sorry that this doesn't help, but
    at least it will prepare you for what's coming.

  2. no seat belts Added by: andrea (
    [Timestamp: Sun 2 May, 20:21 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    We stayed in Bali last year with our kids(6 and 3y.o.)but I
    have never seen any seat belts on the rear seats...and
    the drivers never used the front seat belts.

  3. we did it Added by: Robb
    [Timestamp: Thu 13 May, 3:02 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    We rented a kjang,a jeep thing, brought our car seat, and bought a Donna Karen fake belt and strapped the car seat down for the duration of our trip. No problems for our 1 year old. (driving in Bali is reallly easy)

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