Bringing a baby to a tropical island

This topic was created by bjorn (
[Wed 21 April, 14:13 Tasmanian Standard Time]

We are about to have a baby pretty soon, and we would
like to go away with it for a month or two when the
child will be between 6-12 mnds. Previously we have
been to quite a few tropical islands in the
Phillippines, Indonesia, Seychelles and the Maldives,
which have mostly been great. The problem with these
places are that they are either too desolate to bring
such a small kid or too expensive for a let us say 6
to 8 week stay. Places we were thinking of are KOH
LANTA and KRABI in Thailand, ( We have never been to
the thai islands- just stopovers in Bankok). LOMBOK
and GILLIES (Here we have been many years ago, but not
with a child) and PERHENTIANS and TIOMAN in
E-Malaysia. Can you bring such a small child to these
places?????? What we need is bungalow on the beach
with A/C and no malaria problems!!! All related info
are welcome!!! Thank you!!!! Bjorn

[There are 1 posts - the latest was added on Wed 19 May, 21:37]

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  1. Try Fiji Added by: Suzie
    [Timestamp: Wed 19 May, 21:37 Tasmanian Standard Time]

    Went to Fiji at Christmas with 6yr-old and 3yr-old. Utter
    heaven. Very kind ppeople. They love children. Lots of
    cheap places to stay. Look up lonely planet guides.

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